Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur malaysia 180x180Located in the central area of Southeast Asia, Malaysia is a federation of 13 states, with 329.758 km 2 of the territory is divided into two parts by the Sea: Peninsular Malaysia areas have 11 states, adjacent to in northern Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia in the south; East Malaysia and the west coast of Borneo island state of Sabah and Sarawak including 2 and the Federal Territories of Labuan, Indonesia and Brunei abuts. This country is known as the "tropical paradise" with warm climates, humid throughout the year, daytime temperatures around 30 0 C, and about 22 0 C at night.
Malaysia is a multiethnic country, mainly the Chinese, Indian and indigenous Malays. Therefore, the culture here has a mix of many different cultures, giving Malaysia a culture distinct uniqueness. The national language of Malaysia is called Bahasa Mehasa, while people here also widely used in English, Mandarin, and Tamil. It is a country called Malaysia Islam because Islam is seen as the national religion, but other faiths as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, ... are free to spread.
It had the modern city with high-level service system, with the skyscrapers, while keeping the traditional cultural characteristics, with the natural setting poetic, mysterious, dark Asian quality. Those who once came to Malaysia will surely not forget the unique in this country.

Kuala Lumpur - KL

1 180x180 kl Kuala LumpurKuala Lumpur, also referred to an intimate way with the name KL, is the largest city and also the capital of Malaysia. Of Peninsular Malaysia KL, Selangor, was established in 1857 at the confluence of the Gombak and Klang rivers named Kuala Lumpur, which means "muddy confluence".
Since the family of Royal Selangor Raja Abdullah for tin mining area in Klang River, the area began to grow up shophouses, tin and other commodities, traders and residents began building home, shop and settled here, from which the city of Kuala Lumpur is formed. KL was chosen as the capital of the Federation of Malaya in 1957 and continues to be the capital of the Federation of Malaysia since 1963. So far, KL central role in the political, economic, monetary, trade and Culture of Malaysia, is the focal point and telegram traffic of the country.
KL is a modern city with skyscrapers buildings, unique architectural world famous as the highest twin towers Petronas Twin Towers world, or as massive structures have been conducted recently mall Berjaya Times Square. Kuala Lumpur International Airport is an international standard, along with a modern transport system and high service, efficiency, and the luxurious shopping centers, all gave KL favorably to those the most modern city in Europe.
4 180x180 panorama kl Kuala LumpurBesides, KL retains the ancient cultures of the ethnic Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Eastern ethnic Malay, Thai, Indonesian, Sikh and large community of expatriates. These are nations with cultural traditions, festivals, unique cuisine, brings its own colors and also, in KL, between them there is more interference, influence each other.
Therefore, nothing surprising here often have the traditional festival jubilant, boisterous, or cultural performances unique art style combines both traditional and contemporary. Between a modern city but visitors can still feel the mysterious, seductive and romantic scenery of the East.
Especially for tourists in Vietnam while in Kuala Lumpur, in addition to feeling overwhelmed by the flashy, modern city, will also find a peaceful feeling of a "garden city", or feeling familiar with affordable neighborhoods, flea markets, or other shops in the street like Vietnam Male. 

Malay Culture

Malaysian culture 180x180 Malay CultureMalaysian culture is a unique culture, including the peculiarities of Chinese culture, South India, the local culture and blend them. In particular, Malaysia also clearly expressed the typical cultural point of a Muslim country. For example, the traditional Malaysian music is heavily influenced styles from China and Islam. The music is based largely around gendang (drum), but includes other percussion instruments (some made of shells and apricot); rebab - a string instrument supply; serunai, oboe-like double-edged instrument; flute, and trumpet. The country has a strong tradition of dance and dance dramas, some of Thai origin, India, Portugal.

Ramadan fasting month and Hari Raya festive Aidilfitri

ramadan 1 180x180 Malay CultureRamadan is the 9th month name according to the Islamic calendar, this is the holy month for all important Muslims. Ramadan is unity began on 16/9 for the entire calendar Muslim communities around the world.
During this holy month, all Muslims from puberty and older must fasts and sex from sunrise until sunset. Also, they often read the Koran and diet minus any bad behavior in this month. At the end of the day, usually after 7 pm, the Muslim family will hold a lavish party, and they invite all those who are not Muslims to dine together.
The last day of the month of Ramadan is the Hari Raya Aidilfitri festival. The people of Malaysia began this day by going to church, pray and ask for forgiveness, after which they held a party, inviting relatives and friends come together to enjoy traditional dishes .

Islamic Culture

net shawl Islamic culture tudung 180x180 Malay CultureMore than 60% of Malaysia's Muslim population, so common in this culture influenced greatly from Islam. Most Malaysians do not drink and do not eat pork - the taboos of Islam. They only eat the food that was cooked on the principles of Islam and Halal cuisine collectively (the dish is inconsistent with belief is called Haram).
To Malaysia you will find many women cover their head with a scarf called "tudung" Muslims, especially women dress very discreet and casual. Friday is considered a holy day for Muslims, so on this day, lunch time is often prolonged and often Muslim men to pray in the church near the workplace or residence .

Costumes and communication

Malaysians often wear long cloth flowers, men wear shirts neck and arms are not exposed thighs in public places. Women usually wear long sleeves. Thus, visitors to Malaysia are advised to choose the outfit polite, discreet, especially when it comes to places of worship.
When visiting family in Malaysia, you should leave footwear outside before entering the house and should not refuse when invited cakes, because if refused will be deemed impolite. And remember, when giving or receiving money, gifts, use the right hand! The left hand is considered unclean, so when eating you should also remember to use the right hand only and should wash their hands before sitting at the table.
When met, the Malaysians have a habit of touching palms together, then folded her arms. However, they very kiieng hydrophobic head and back massage the other person. In the communication, they often discuss the trade, social achievements, history, football ... It's not nice to talk about politics, race and living for Malaysians.
Overall, Malaysia is known for friendliness and hospitality. Maybe so visitors feel very comfortable when visiting this country, although it has a cultural highlights slightly different.

Cuisine Malaya

As the biggest characteristic of the culture, cuisine of Malaysia is the unique blend of the different ethnic communities, each individual taste mixed together to create a special traditional dishes, diverse both color and flavor. Malaysian cuisine is often spicy, fatty and slightly sweet, made from fresh ingredients, marinated with spices, herbs for flavor. However, because this is a Muslim country so rarely used pork instead as beef, lamb and fish. Once come to Malaysia, visitors can not help but enjoy the traditional dishes here, to enjoy the spicy cuisine of India, little fatty, salty that of China, combined with unique features Asia's a bit of a hybrid European and Muslim countries.


180x180 Satay Malaysian CuisineThose wishing to explore Malaysian cuisine often receive advice "first use satay dish!". Satay is a form of barbecue skewer, raw beef or chicken main, marinated little sweet with typical spices, roasted yellow after incubation attractive, served with sauce made from mixed garlic, jaggery, peanuts, pecans seed, salt, ... Satay was served with a kind of rice is squeezed tightly as onigiri or rice, Vietnam. This is a very popular dish from Malaysia, so visitors can use satay dishes in luxurious restaurants or just in the street cafes.

Teh Tarik tea

tarik 180x180 am actually paid Cuisine MalayaTarik follow Malay means "gulp", Teh Tarik tea is a tradition of the Malays, are prepared from tea and milk, then pour out from shift to shift other to form a mixture Excellent drinks fizzy pale cream on top. Recipe is simple (only include tea, milk and a little sugar) but so delicious tea is not easy. In Malaysia there is much competition and performance art of tea blending quite complex and this inspired.

Nasi Lamak

lamak 180x180 am thuc nasi Cuisine MalayaNasi Lemak (rice fat) is one of the favorite dishes and is popular in Malaysia, served from restaurants, luxurious hotels to affordable eateries. This dish is made with rice cooked in coconut milk, with a little pot liner Pandan, eat the cucumber, roasted peanuts, dried fish, dried venison, chili sauce, or chicken, beef, seafood, lamb curry.
In some places, diners can make rice dish Nasi Lamak your liking by choosing the components of the dish is presented on the table, such as baked beans, grilled fish, cucumber, boiled egg, tomato powder ri ... This creates richness Nasi lemak and makes for each restaurant Nasi lemak contains items individually. To taste the rice wrapped in banana leaves fully, travelers should their hands like Malaysian food.

Bah Kut Teh pork

bah kut teh 180x180 am thuc Cuisine MalayaFor these people, there are non-Muslim pork dishes Bah Kut The. This is the original Chinese dish, made from many herbs and spices like licorice medicine, of regulations, pearl structure, dark party ... with bone stew, pork for hours. Bah Ku Teh pork with rice or shared quẩy sausage soup. This dish is called "tea ribs," not because of its raw materials for processing tea leaves in it, but because after what not eat it cool by adding a hot cup of tea used to reduce the sense of greasy sausage swine.
To enjoy the specialties of the cuisine of Malaysia, here are some restaurants, typical food restaurant in Kuala Lumpur

Golden Phoenix

Address at: Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur Hotel Equatorial Kuala Lumpur, 50250.
Located in the Equatorial Hotel, Golden Phoenix is ​​a luxurious restaurant, famous for its special Chinese dishes and seafood and serves lunch and dinner. Large hall can accommodate up to 400 diners, the restaurant also has a cozy private room containing about 10-20 people for those who want to have their own space. The menu changes daily noon makes regular guest had not bored dishes here. The average price of about 180 ringgit 1 meal for 2 people.

Herbal Soup House

Address at: 19 Jalan Telawi Dua, 59100 Kuala Lumpur.
If guests want to enjoy Chinese food then Herbal Soup House restaurant, famous for all kinds of herbs and seafood soup. Diners can enjoy many different kinds of soup, also can use Chinese tea here. The interior of the restaurant is quite simple and traditional colors with wooden furniture truuyen peach. It is open all day, serving lunch from 10: 00-15: 00, dinner from 17: 30-22: 00.

Dharma Realm Guan Yin Sagely Monastery

Address at: 161, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur 50450
The restaurant serves vegetarian dishes for diners to Buddhism. It serves vegetarian buffet with 15 dishes. An accompanying dishes drink 4-5 ringgit, salads cost around 2.5 ringgit. Free buffet on the 1st and 15th of each lunar month.
Opening times: Monday-Friday, from 7:30 to 14:30.

Kedai Makanan Yut Kee

Address: Jalan Dang Wangi 35 50100 Kuala Lumpur.
This is one of the oldest cafés in Kuala Lumpur. Guests can either relax or lunch just to have breakfast here. Served fast, friendly, and the food in the restaurant is quite tasty, especially famous for dumplings. Open 7: 00-16: 00, the price for each dish about 7-8 ringgit.

Jai Hind

Address: 15 to 17, Jalan Melayu, Kuala Lumpur.
If guests wish to enjoy South Indian regional cuisine at the heart of the city of Kuala Lumpur to Jai Hind should - a popular diner with traditional dishes of India by the Indian people cooking and serving. Prices are relatively cheap, between 12-40 ringgit for a dish. Open daily from 8: 00-21: 00.

Lunar Bar

180x180 am thuc luna bar Cuisine MalayaAddress: Level 34, Menara Pan Global, Lorong P Ramlee, Kuala Lumpur.
Additionally, visitors can come to play in the Lunar Bar, a popular bar in KL. Lunar occupies 2 floors: 1 main floor and upper floor of the Pacific Regency Hotel Apartments, right next to the Petronas towers. Bar has two floors, high ceilings with open system so visitors can watch the sky and KL twin towers glowing in the night, downstairs along next to a very nice and large pool. Around the pool is equipped with lounge chairs for guests can lounge and enjoy the great atmosphere of the city of Kuala Lumpur from above.

Roadside eateries & Food court

Security duog am pho 180x180 esophagus Cuisine MalayaFood Court in Malay as "Medan Selara", an area consisting of many eateries close together, serving all kinds of food, Malay, Chinese, Indian, Thai, Japanese, and European dishes. The dining areas are present everywhere, from residential to shopping centers or industrial parks. There are indoor dining areas, relatively spacious, and features outdoor dining areas, roadside.
Not only dine in the finest restaurants and bars in the polite, many residents and tourists are KL enjoyed eating at the diner on the curbside. Prices here of course much cheaper than restaurants. The dining area and the sidewalk cafes are usually open very late.

Shopping in KL

Kuala Lumpur is considered as a "shopping paradise" by most of the big shopping malls, thriving Malaysia are concentrated here. Especially in the off season, has dropped to 50-70% commodities, tourists do not hesitate wallet. However, travelers should not buy now with prices listed, be it in the supermarket. A stroll, we can find y such goods at lower prices.

Mid Valley Megamall

Mid Valley shopping mall in KL 180x180 ShoppingLocated near the center of Kuala Lumpur, Mid Valley Megamall was massive shopping mall in huge urban complexes Mid Valley City. Wider Megamall 420,000 m 2 , with about 430 shops with a variety of goods from clothing, books, electronics to furniture, from the usual items to famous brands. There is also a cinema system with 18 theaters, a Bowling center, IT One-Stop center, 2 dining areas ( Food Court ) wide and has a bookstore MPH. It is open from 10 am to 10 pm daily.

Berjaya Times Square

180x180 square kl time at KL ShoppingBerjaya Times Square is dubbed "Building the world's largest", is a commercial complex has an area of 700,000 m 2 and has over 1,000 stores of all kinds, and includes restaurants, hotels, the entertainment services. Berjaya Times Square is located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, the end of the famous shopping boulevard Jalan Bukit Bintang. The brands gathered at Berjaya quite diverse and abundant. Here also regularly organizes events for shoppers. Arrivals may find interesting because on the bridge over the road, resulting in countless Berjaya had traded bustling shop.

BB Plaza

180x180 Shopping plaza bb in KLBukit Bintang Plaza, or commonly known as BB Plaza, as well as one of the largest shopping centers in Kuala Lumpur, located in the heart of the "golden triangle". It well as other shopping centers, there are many different items: clothes, shoes, cosmetics, handbags, computer accessories, children's toys, but the most famous is the clothing and copper lake. Add a little fun while shopping at BB Plaza is you can simultaneously enjoy an attractive cream vendor in front of the center.


2 180x180 KLCC Shopping in KLGuests sure will be overwhelmed by luxurious, modern and spectacular with the gathering of the famous fashion brands in the world-class business center Suria KLCC, located in the lower floors of the twin towers Petronas. If you come here in the off season, for a shirt for less than 10 Jordano mark RM is too gentle. Maybe so, but most of those who had missed stepped back out here, all with a few bags or more. In addition, not only Suaria KLCC shops, but also restaurants, cafés, Food Courts, theaters, art galleries, interior shops.

China town

Affordable than the big shopping center, the China town area is located in Petaling. There is a whole market of night, so China Town bustling, crowded almost 24/24. The layout of the booths here almost like the flea markets in Vietnam. Items extremely rich and diverse, are "mediocre" quality, depending on the price. Here, prices are not quoted explicitly but depends on resources "pay the price" of the seller and buyer. Normally the price is the seller "screaming" to 3-5 times its real value, so buyers do not need to be afraid to pay the price too low. Best before purchase, travelers should take a walk to see the overall price.


buy souvenirs 180x180 Shopping in KLThere are many things you can buy as souvenirs in Kuala Lumpur, as the unique scarf which we can buy in anywhere, from flea markets to the shopping center. For those nostalgic, to flea markets or central market, can buy the lamp oil, charcoal iron, or a cup of tea, hair pins from Nyonya in the last century, or to Pucuk Rebung Museum Gallery at Suria KLCC for the Malaysian antiques from thousands of years ago. In addition, visitors can also buy unique items such as large jars li, Chinese astrological phenomenon, assorted jewelry Malaysian ...

Have to go

A modern city ranks among the best in Asia with cultures unique tradition, the city was dubbed the "city of gardens" with green markings romantic, fresh, Kuala Lumpur promises many interesting sights You that visitors have visited once.

Petronas - Twin Towers

Petronas twin towers fade di 180x180 Must goPetronas, Petronas Twin Towers or the 5th tallest building in the world, and the tallest twin towers in the world to date (2009). Height to the roof of the building is 403 meters, 88 floors high. Structured interviews with Islamic architecture, this huge building was designed by American architect Argentina - Cesar Pelli. Outside space architecture is spacious and beautiful park KLCC.
In addition, visiting the tower, visitors can also visit the Suria KLCC, Petronas Theatre, Science Centre Petrosains, art exhibition areas Petronas and Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, located inside the tower. Also, visitors should also visit the overhead bridge connecting the Petronas Tower 2. Open from 8.30am - 5.00pm (from 3rd to Sunday). Petronas Twin Towers is located between the road and the Raja Chulan Ampang. Visitors can walk, take a taxi or tram ride PUTRA LRT to KLCC stops.

Lake Garden

180x180 Must garden lake to go awayLake Garden is the lung of Kuala Lumpur with an area of ​​nearly 92 ha under construction since 1988. It is covered by a green color of trees and crystal-clear lakes, flat full of poetic strokes. Inside Lake Park include National Monument, butterfly garden, bird garden, deer park, available to those with a romantic soul and love photography. It also has a play area for children, areas for people who exercise, jogging. Nothing great in pies and enjoy English tea in the afternoon when the sun sets on the veranda in Lake Park. Guests can arrive by taxi Lake Garden, located on Parlimen entrance and behind the National Cathedral.

Batu Caves

di batu caves fade 180x180 Must goBatu Caves is a limestone hill in the north of Kuala Lumpur, including 3 main cave, countless other small gestures and temples inside. This is a sacred place of Hindus in Malaysia and Lord Murugan statue where high 42,7m. There are 272 steps leading to the cave shrine. Once a year, millions of Hindu devotees and tourists come and celebrate Thaipusam festival. Across the Batu Caves a few spots for rock climbing. From Kuala Lapur center, visitors can get there by taxi or bus at Puduraya station (about 100 km from China Town).

National Cathedral

National Cathedral di fade 180x180 Must goFrom Lake Garden area, visitors can walk to the National Cathedral. This is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia, with unique architecture bears the mark of Islamic art. The main dome of the cathedral was designed in the shape of 18 stars, representing the 13 states of Malaysia and the five pillars of Islam; shaped roof open despite the aspirations of a target for an independent country, the main hall can accommodate up to 5000 people. As to the National Cathedral, travelers should note that formal dress, discreetly.

Square Merdeca

Cell fade Square merdeca 180x180 Must goSquare Mardeca called "Independence Square", where tours are ideal for visitors who are interested in the history of Malaysia KL particular and general. This is where the first Prime Minister of Malaysia - Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia declared an independent country on December 31-08-1957, when the British flag was lowered marks the end of British colonial rule. Today, Malaysia flag flying over 100m high mast, as a symbol of independence that historic day.
The best time to come is in the evening, especially during holidays and weekends when the locals gathered on the lawn wind damage. This is the best place to meet people of Malaysia. Merdeka Square, Central Market 5 minute walk; Putra LRT tram to the central market Pasar Seni, then turn left over the river. Merdeka Square is opposite the traffic lights next.

Bintang Street

180x180 Must Bintang di fade awayBukit Bintang is the busiest place in town with lots of large shopping malls such as BB Plaza, Berjaya Times Square. Sidewalks clean and airy, this neighborhood is an ideal place for tourists can look to eat at the diner along roadsides or just sip a café latte while watching li KL city lights at night with enough brilliant colors . Busiest area of ​​Bukit Bintang road traverse Sultan Ismail. For taxis stop for Star Hill Plaza, from which go down Low Yatt Plaza.

Museum of Islamic Art - IAMM

iamm 180x180 Must goGo with the Muslim country, visitors can not miss the museum's largest Muslim art in Southeast Asia. 30,000 m wide Building 2 , located near Lake Gardens and National Museum. It has over 7000 artefacts and a library with books unique Islamic art. Museum often organizes exhibitions serve visitors. The museum also has an outdoor restaurants serving cuisine buffet lunch with the Middle East at the weekend and there is even a shop selling shawls and other art items, very convenient for guests to buy gifts Souvenir.

Istana Budaya National Theatre

Istana Budaya Theatre di fade 180x180 Must goBuilt in 1995 and completed in May 9/1999, Istana Budaya is one of 10 modern theater in the world, and is the first theater in Asia are equipped with modern stage theater Royal Albert Hall in London, with a capacity for 1,412 spectators. Istana Budaya (meaning "cultural palace") has a unique architecture, reflecting characteristics of traditional Malaysian architecture with a total area of approximately 54000 m 2 , including large concert halls to 21000 m 2 . Visit the theater website to know the program is being performed.

Zoo Negara

di zoonegara fade 180x180 Must goThe National Zoo was the first prime minister - Tunku Abdul Rahman inaugurated on 14-11-1963, has more than 5137 animals of 459 species, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. The zoo attractions include Akuarium Negara, garden birds, the reptiles, the primate, Savannah Walk, and the mammalian kingdom.
Additionally, visitors can come here in the evening to see the lives of nocturnal animals. The national park is about 110 samples, located 5km from Kuala Lumpur. Visitors can walk or tram ride inside. The zoo is open from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (weekdays), 9:00 am - 10:30 pm (weekends and holidays), this schedule may change without notice.

National Museum - Muzium Negara

Cell fade National Museum 180x180 Must goNational Museum (Muzium Negara) is Malaysia's largest museum, which opened in May 8/1963, including image galleries, historical artifacts; room traditional instruments; cultural galleries; Sports gallery world and a gallery of natural history of Malaysia. Visiting the museum, visitors can learn and visualize the development process of the country Malaysia historical and cultural aspects. National Museum The museum is located next to Malaysia on the road Damansara, open: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm daily except on occasion and Aidil Fitri Aidil Adha.