Shanghai: City on the sea

Shanghai: City on the sea

China is one of the few countries with the oldest civilization of the world and the cradle of human culture. With thousands of years of history of national construction, water retention and the appearance of the feudal dynasty has created a culture is said to be representative of the oriental culture.
China is regarded as one of the first appearance of man on the banks of the Yellow River, Heilongjiang ... Over the years the small country formed and since then constant war to seize the shore realm. It was not until the year 221 BC Qin Dynasty unified new Chinese nation but also exist not for long. Chinese Qin Dynasty collapsed again be divided into many different small countries and major divisions have made richer, more characteristic of Chinese culture. Chinese culture sweeping to many countries around the world, especially the neighboring countries, including Vietnam. After 1,000 years of colonial Vietnam were affected in all aspects of life from economic, political, cultural and traditional practices to daily lifestyle.
Undergone many changes, especially World War I and II, economic strength as well as Chinese political but diminished in recent years, China is becoming one of the economic centers simultaneously is an attractive country for the world's largest tourism.

Shanghai (Shanghai)

Stemming from a remote fishing village, Shanghai today has become one of the most important city of the Chinese nation. After about 15 years of the Shanghai municipality have converted spectacular and transformed into urban paradise with 21 million people and thousands of skyscrapers and the public transport system and perfect the advanced level in the world today . After officially entered the transition period until now, the area of ​​Shanghai has increased by 3 times and the rapid growth miracle economy and there is speculation that Shanghai will surpass New York in 2020.
In recent years, Shanghai has always been a place to attract more investment capital in the world with hundreds of leading companies and a busy port and the world's most modern than Singapore and Rotterdam. With economic growth miracle Shanghai increasingly demonstrated its leading position on the Chinese economy and is one of the new powers of the world economy. Economic development has led to numerous commercial centers, the skyscraper and countless luxury hotels and expensive resorts. It's one of many reasons that today each year tens of millions of international tourists visit this city, to witness firsthand the prosperity and culture discover modern China, to shop in one of the largest commercial centers in the world, to enjoy the unique Chinese dishes and features.
"Sea City" promises to be a great place for tourists to visit, shopping and numerous entertainment centers monumental scale the world's most certainly will leave an unforgettable impression in the hearts every traveler. Currently each month to millions of tourists visit this city and this number is constantly increasing on each date, each season so make Shanghai a colorful culture, language until you catch color met on the street. Besides, the city government is making policies to encourage tourism development allowed to build more hotels, restaurants and commercial centers in the city, established protection teams and advise guests traveling towards the goal of building Shanghai into a "tourist capital" of China. Therefore, at present, Shanghai is one of the major tourist attractions beating and "hot" in Asia.

Chinese Culture

China is one of the cradles of human culture, according to the scientists, the Chinese culture is formed at least 3,500 years ago. With such a long history of Chinese culture is one of the mysteries, the most attractive for international travelers. Chinese culture very big influence for many countries around the world, especially in Asian countries because each has for a long time the Chinese colonial reign, "almost half of the world". Chinese culture is considered the most typical representative of the culture of the East with the traditions, ways of living, the moral standards of the Chinese people have a very strong influence with all countries worldwide particularly in neighboring countries such as Vietnam.

Chinese History

From past to present Chinese history has always attracted a lot of attention from everyone from historians to the common people. That is why the historical drama, Chinese film history are always welcomed and loved everywhere.
Chinese history associated with the conquests of the dynasty, according to historical records, the first dynasty of China was the House and also since the war between the dynasty to scramble for land held the incessant restless. It was not until the year 221 BC Qin Dynasty unified new Chinese dynasty set up a powerful and largest in Chinese history. But Qin did not survive for long war again broke out in the land of China, dynasties alternately ruled until 1949 Chinese civil war formally ended the Chinese Communist Party came to power and success founding of the Democratic People's Republic of China. And since then China has increasingly flourished and today has become an economic center of the world.


Triads known as "gangsters" were formed from feudal China, styled a secret organizational links between some of the royal family owe each other means of protecting the interests of each other . Triad developed until the early 20th century and became an institution organized crime is really a series of activities in all areas from weapons smuggling to extortion, prostitution, usury , gambling ... After reaching China, Mao Zedong's government decided to repress this organization, the Triads were moving all the activity in Hong Kong. 1997 when Hong Kong was returned to China, the Triads were quick passing move countries such as: USA, Netherlands ... and today this opportunity is very developed in the region with Chinese students live. Triad has left a significant mark in the history of China.


Cheongsam (also called cheongsam) is a famous traditional costumes of Chinese girls. Appearing for the first time during the Qing Dynasty and the girls are quickly accepted and became a symbol of Chinese girls. Cheongsam then rounded hugging style high collar, sleeves narrow, four-sided walls were split, with button flap join together with tightening belts, fabric leather and usually only the girl child aristocrats, landowners or merchants new to wear.
Over time and influx of Western culture as well as the design of the cheongsam material changes more with leaner direction, people look more attractive to crown 6m curves and beauty of women. And to this day on the streets of China, especially in Shanghai the slender girl with modern cheongsam traditional but no less attractive but also very discreet.

Art of Drama

Peking Opera, also known as "Beijing theater" to thrive under Emperor Qianlong of the Qing dynasty. Peking Opera is an art form theater on stage appear very early in the life of the Chinese spirit and from the Tang Dynasty and earlier often called "Drama". In the opera repertoire often circus performances, dancing and especially martial arts performances extremely meticulous. Today, though no longer young Chinese to spend more attention to opera anymore but opera is still very much influence in the spiritual life of the people of China and performances of Chinese culture not as any lack of opera works.

Chinese film

Cinema industry in China developed very early compared to other countries in the region, the first film, "The Army Son" is produced from 1896 and since then other films despite successive birth How many political events, war. And so far the Chinese film had developed very strong and is one of the major powers in the world cinema. Chinese films tend to historical topics, swordplay such as China's Three Kingdoms, Qin Shihuang, Water margin ... the mythical swordplay films like Hero, Myth, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ... and many other popular films. And also the Chinese film industry has trained the talented directors and actors royalty-winning series such as Gong Li, Jet Li ... The Chinese film has gained a lot of attention under up of many people around the world, especially in Asian countries, including Vietnam.
In general the customs and habits of people living in China is no different with our Vietnamese people are few but when traveling Shanghai we should also avoid the following:
The Chinese are very hydrophobic white so if not absolutely necessary, do not wear white and not white wrapping paper for the Chinese white is considered the misery, separation.
Monday should not mention or give gifts that have number 4, the Chinese are hydrophobic this number.
Tuesday should not touch the head of taboo children and adults because according to the Chinese, the head is a very sacred place.
And another problem is that when eating in a restaurant or wherever should not take chopsticks knock on cup or anything to create noises as this according to Chinese people usually refer to bad luck.
Also different customs are very similar to humans in Vietnam so visitors do not need to worry too much about this issue.

Chinese Cuisine

Chinese cuisine is considered one of the greatest cuisines and people around the world prefer. To the world's Chinese cuisine to traditional dishes from all parts of the country of China. Each of these regions bring a different style of cuisine, creating a Chinese food culture diversity and attractive.
The Chinese always respected integrity in everything and not exclude cuisine . The Chinese cuisine to the integrity of the flavor, color, shape ... First, look dish must have full color, especially red, blue has always been chosen to decorate the dish. Second is the need to eat less fragrant aroma alone just hear customers can also smell delicious and skill levels of cooks. And the taste of Chinese food does not need to introduce people also know it's the most amazing flavor that people can be processed. Recipes of the Chinese food is also very diverse, such as dip, warm, steamed, cooked, boiled, security, fried, roasted ... each one processing brings taste and feel different in the hearts of visitors. The country wide and has many different cuisines but generally have 8 style cuisine is: Shandong (smelly garlic), Sichuan (spicy and spicy thick), Jiangsu (famous for fried rice and duck potential Yangzhou), Zhejiang (the frugal dish), Guangdong (popular fried foods, baked like pork, turkey), Fujian (well known for sea food Is the taste sweet and sour), Hunan (very spicy and sour), Anhui (famous for stews, stew). With 8 such cuisine is sure to please and any discerning diners do. Here are some famous food and people around the world prefer:


As traditional dishes from the Chinese long with countless hundreds of dishes with different processing. The main ingredients of this dish is rice flour, wheat flour, all kinds of seafood, and vegetables. Dimsum dishes are mostly being steamed in a bamboo basket as: Did puller, shumai, dumplings South Korea, char siu buns ... have some fried foods like fried taro cakes, fried tofu ... Dimsum dishes are served with a sauce called "Seafood Sauce" and chutney. Today Dimsum dishes available everywhere in the world, wherever Chinese people live where there Dimsum. However Dimsum dishes created by the raw materials, spices from China carries a different flavor, richer and tastier.

Sparkling puller

Like Dimsum, Sui puller is famous traditional dishes from China, but this particular dish and is served on special occasions like holidays and at parties ... The main ingredients are flour rice, flour, seafood and vegetables. Recipes Hot Sui meticulously puller and also requires more time and effort. So this dish Chinese people mainly intended to entertain your visitors and very intimate. Today Sui puller dishes prepared in many different styles in many places, especially the Chinese in Vietnam. But traditional dishes puller Sui flavor of Chinese cuisine on earth only in China which is why many international visitors coming here just one desire is to be tasted Sui puller traditional.

Peking Duck

As special dishes popular in northeast China, especially Beijing. Along with Peking Opera, Peking Duck has become a trademark for the cultural capitals of this. Beijing roast duck is processed very picky and meticulous, only the newly selected duck fat as feedstock. Then spicy, simply prepared meticulously and put into the oven. Peking duck skin and meat are served separately, leather eat before clamping with roll, cucumber, onion, chilli sauce marked with a special kind of meat is being processed as soup, fried rice is very fragrant food delicious.
Here is a list of restaurants, bars and many famous visitors in the city preferred Shanghai.

Restaurant 100 Century Avenue

Address: Level 91 Oriental Pearl tower
Price: Average 80 USD / person
Restaurants and famous luxury 91 storey located right center of the largest commercial city Shanghai. Designed end modern style but offers a very cozy atmosphere full of tradition. It promises to be a romantic place for couples and happy moments with family warmth. The restaurant is known for dishes such as raw oysters, duck and the famous wines worldwide.

Restaurants Lost Heaven

Address: Commercial Center Shanghai
Price: an average of 35 USD / person
Serving traditional cuisine culinary style southern Yunnan province, China. Lost Heaven is decorated in shades of dark red lipstick and Chinese customary. Sea bass fish with soy sauce black tribal Dai, chicken salad with peppers and sesame Yunnan are two specialties of the restaurant. With professional service style will surely please all diners.

Crystal Jade Restaurant

Prices: from 3 USD / item
The restaurant is designed small and very cozy, well known for traditional cuisine Dimsum Chinese. This restaurant has long been a very long year and local people as well as international tourists are preferred. The dishes here are made according to the traditional style, but also very easy to eat. Go here Did you enjoy shrimp puller hot, fragrant char siu buns and fried foods will make your radishes attachment.

Yang's Fry Restaurant Dumling

Address: Commercial Center Shanghai
Prices: from 3 USD
A small restaurant is located in the commercial center of Shanghai is famous for grilled meat dumplings sesame seeds and scallions government served with hot soups. You can enjoy at the restaurant or taken away, the new restaurant looks like a snack bar but go deeper into the investment might be a very carefully about how to decorate and design.

Shopping in Shanghai

Shanghai is one of the "shopping paradise" Asia's new in the presence of most of the leading fashion brands in the world. A lavish luxury city indispensable business centers, modern shopping centers extravaganza. In recent years international tourists flock to this city, apart from tourism, mostly for shopping purposes. Therefore the commercial center in Shanghai from luxury to budget travelers bustles. Prices for fashion items in Shanghai is also very rich from branded steep price to affordable commodities sold in the market with a very affordable price. Buy here tourists attention is always paid the price whether bought anywhere trade center or in a small market. Do not be afraid to pay the price and be sure to look carefully before making a price. Here are some famous commercial center travelers can visit:

Three on the Bund

You will not avoid being sucked into the facade of high-end shopping mall Three on the Bund with the products of the renowned fashion brands like Giorgio Armani world, Cartier ... And the singers, film actors World famous is shooting commercials for the brand Louis Vuitton. This commercial center is the most popular branded fashion items from clothing, shoes, leather massage ... If you are a fan of designer labels, you can not not visit this place. And also remember to pay the price before buying.

Nanjing Pedestrian Street

With about 5.5 km length pedestrian street of Nanjing, also known as Nanjing Road pedestrian street is famous and attracted many of the most popular tourist city of Shanghai. Nanjing attracts tourists mainly thanks to the program cultural performances by artists trumpeters stand on the windows of buildings along the street or the artists in the cowboy costume and fro on Road to visitors take photos. But perhaps the most attractive for tourists at this street are shops selling fashion, traditional souvenir close together with very many different types of products. Certainly you will find yourself with items like that here.

Shen Huang Temple

San close the stores, shops, supermarkets, restaurants are designed in harmony style traditional ancient Chinese people. The area is quite busy sold a variety of products from fashion clothing to foods, pharmaceuticals. But still the most popular items of handicrafts, souvenirs by the hands of local artisans making. You can buy the ladder herbs, Chinese medicine drug treatment of diseases such as back pain, aches, all kinds of souvenirs such as hand towels, pottery ... Buy here pay special attention you pay the price , should pay a third or even a quarter of the price the seller made.

East Street Bridge

Bridge Street East - pride and one of the faces of the city of Shanghai. With numerous high-rise buildings and numerous commercial centers, shopping malls and lavish scale superlative Asia today. Bridge East bustle and beautiful city especially at night when electric light color and light sides bridge along the riverside reflects a space created picturesque. No one comes here for the first time not surprised and amazed at the beauty of this fanciful. This area is known as the crossroads of cultural harmony and East - West busy both day and night. On demand presentation Pudong shoot a lot of fashion products, souvenirs of the Chinese tradition.
Shanghai is one of the many souvenirs sold at prices quite soft so you can easily select the appropriate suitable gift for your loved ones and friends. A warm cup of tea made of ceramic for parents, a ladder back pain medicines for grandparents, a silk cloth for female friend, a branded tie boyfriend ... and countless handicrafts and other crafts sold you spoiled for choice. But remember to go see some place then select the best place then go to bid and purchase.

Have to go

Chinese people often say, "If you want to learn the history of Chinese 2,000, should visit the city of Xi'an, learn history 500 up to Beijing, even 100 years, then to Shanghai". Shanghai was the pride of the Chinese nation in recent decades by rushing the development of the "city on the sea". With countless monuments, natural landscapes and artificial attracts millions of tourists each year. But perhaps the best tourist attractions of Shanghai are the entertainment, lavish shopping destinations, splendid:

Shanghai harbour

Bund stretches about 1 mile along the famous Huangpu River is the largest financial center in East Asia early twentieth century thanks to the presence of the most famous and largest bank in the world at that time with the British embassy, ​​Japan, France ... After World War ended these banks but also to go through economic development to build Shanghai Bund scale and more beautiful than before with the emergence of high-rise buildings, hotels, restaurants and countless shopping mall. Walking on the Bund, guests will feel the atmosphere of ancient buildings with colonial style. Visitors can observe the historic city as well as modern works of XXI century all the way along the harbor promenade.

New Heaven and Earth

Pedestrian Street crowded and bustling day and night with the bar and close proximity to restaurants with all kinds of modern style and ancient. New Heaven and Earth is divided into two areas north and south. Male modern area with pubs, cafes and many large commercial turng also located in this area. As for the northern area are cafes, small shops are designed to create a contrast between tradition and modernity, between the Eastern and Western culture. In the evening the tourists and the local people rushed into the streets and created a lively atmosphere you live in the air like ancient China.

Jade Buddha Temple

Famous sacred temple attracts many tourists and the local people of the city of Shanghai. Known for white jade Buddha statues were carved from single slab of Burmese jade. The statue was brought to Shanghai in 1881 elaborately preserved in the temple with stones and diamond very beautiful. Temple attract locals by divinity, attracts tourists by ancient carved works, paintings and relics of rare Buddhist culture. Open to visitors from 8 - 20h Daily

Hoang Thanh temple

Called Temple tutelary but actually this neighborhood without any temple only brown wooden houses, black tiles, white walls with curved roof carved very beautiful and elaborate. This is also a typical architecture for the architecture of old houses in Shanghai with red lanterns hanging from a single sycamore here. Hoang Thanh temple with ancient styles from the Ming Dynasty, Qing has more than 400 year history. Today there are some architectural tutelary shrine was rebuilt but still features ancient ancient materials. Go Mieu Thanh Hoang addition to visiting tourists can choose their own items with cheap souvenir jewelry boxes, trays, ceramic or jade ...


Situated next to the Imperial City area's Temple Garden - one of the classic architecture Forest Park and the most famous Chinese nation. Garden means tranquil gardens and facilities located on an area of ​​2 hectares with more than 30 works including shrines, the floor, gardens, lotus ponds, fish pond ... Garden is a Ming Dynasty mandarin building up to take care of elderly parents. Thach University Park is the most favorite place of many temples and torng hall in Garden. There is a massive sculpture built 14m above 2,000 tons of rare yellow stones. Open to visitors from 9 am - 18 hours everyday fare 2 USD / adult.


Covering an area equivalent to a big city in Vietnam, East Street is a new neighborhood and are the basis of modern finance and the largest commercial Shanghai. Go to visit the multi-lane roads running east along the city's skyscrapers of business center, lavish hotel is sure to develop further knowledge for travelers on a modern city - pride Shanghai proud of the people of both particular and China in general. It focuses many large shopping malls will surely be an indispensable place in the tourist itinerary.

Oriental Pearl Tower

Construction started in 1991 and completed in 1995 with 468 m altitude is one of the highest TV tower in the world. Tower is located at the tip of Lujiazui in Pudong District, Huangpu River is one of the famous scenic spots of Shanghai from the 90s until now. TV Tower is open to tourists sightseeing in a certain number of floors in the building features a tea room swivel seats about 500 people visitors can just drink tea while watching the entire city. Open from 9h - 19h daily fare 3 USD / adult.

South Street Bridge

One of the busiest bridges and busiest nightlife of the city of Shanghai. This bridge attracts tourists by the excitement as well as by selling souvenirs Wheelchair mobility locals. At night the lanterns are lit, the car lots sell candy scented pools, the hot pot of steaming dumplings make everyone appetite. Walk on South Street Bridge you feel lost in the world of film costume ancient China in the festivities, will certainly make a lasting impression in the tourists.