Melbourne: City tree

Melbourne: City tree

uc 1Federal aka Australia Australia is a country located in the southern hemisphere; is the only country in the world is also a continent. Australia's land area is 7,659 million km 2 , including a large island of Tasmania, an Australian state, and many small islands in the Pacific and Indian Ocean, Australia has the 6th largest area in the world and also the largest country in the region Australia - Asia, Oceania. The population of some 21.7 million people, with more than 70% of the population concentrated in the 10 largest cities of the country. Most of Australia's population is derived from Europe, and English is the official language in this country. As the creative economy and the opening of the world with strong growth and low inflation rate ; Australia has always maintained a leading position in the development of technical sciences, telecommunications, astronomy and solar. With an extreme ecosystem diversity and abundance, Australia has long been known as a habitat and development of a wide variety of animals and plants that can not be found in any other place in the world gender. Australia is also well known as a tourist paradise with endless coastline, the large park and the spectacular landscape has created its own beauty to the country of Australia this feature. Coming to Australia wide will leave travelers with an unforgettable impression, every state, every city of Australia offers captivating scenery, spectacular wonders that the witness did not at du guests surprised, overwhelmed. Come to Australia to experience and admire this rare beauty.


melbourne 3Melbourne is Victoria's largest city and is the second largest city in Australia after Sydney. Melbourne's population is about 3.85 million people and an area of 7694 km 2 . Located in south eastern Australia, Melbourne was founded in 1835 by settlers from Van Diemen area (Tasmania) and the town quickly grew to become the first capital of Port Phillip District, New South Wales and then the separate colony of Victoria. Today, Melbourne is the center port, service and leading manufacturing center of Australia.
With over 140 ethnic groups live and more than 60 languages ​​are used, Melbourne is known as a multicultural city , multiethnic. Melbourne is considered the culinary capital, venue of world cuisine. The restaurants, bars offer typical dishes of ethnic groups from the Jewish, Italian, Spanish to Chinese cuisine, India, Thailand, Vietnam ...
not just a big city, Melbourne is also home to many educational institutions so it is best viewed as educational capital of Australia. It is considered an ideal environment for learning so attracts many students, students from all over the world to study. Twice The Economist magazine voted "most liveable city world" based on cultural criteria, weather, cost of living, social conditions in 2002 and 2004.
melbourne 2Melbourne is known as the city of trees. The park occupies approximately 25% of the whole city, there are vast parks and attractions are travelers all over the known world. Melbourne's main space has provided a favorable environment for the development of art and art as well as the pride of the people here is considered the city of the emotions and creativity; creative arts activities both city council launched, strong investment. That's just what the most common of Melbourne, the beautiful city and hospitality are also many interesting and attractive tourist destinations await all visitors. Go here, to learn and discover a city rich in culture and a wild natural world charm.

Culture Australia

Strongly influenced by modern culture and American English, and the influence of cultural factors pluralism have created the character of Australian culture - one of the most diverse cultures in the world.

Film Australia

filmAustralian cinema is strongly influenced by American, Australian film industry was born in 1906 with the release of The Story of the Kelly Gang, the 70-minute film tells the story of Ned Kelly, a continental forest and floating folk hero Australian English. This is the first long film was produced in the world. New Wave of Australian cinema in the 1970s brought many successful films. Natural landscape diversity and the big cities have been used as the set for several famous films caliber and is internationally known. Australia has many famous movie stars in the world, which typically Judith Anderson, Errol Flynn, Nicole Kidman, Heath Ledger, Geoffrey Rush, Russell Crowe, Toni Collette, Naomi Watts ... some of them were won Oscar film awards the most prestigious of the country.

Painting Australia

Painting 2Australian visual arts from an early birth, originated from the paintings in caves and on Aboriginal bark. Music, dance and art of indigenous people have an impact on contemporary visual arts of Australia. Since Europeans settled here, the main theme in Australian art is natural scenery, can be found in the writings of Albert Namatjra, Arthur Streeton. Australian art influenced by modern painting of the US and Europe including Cubism artist Grace Crowley, surrealist James Gleeson, abstract impressionist Brett Whiteley, and pop artist Martin Sharp . But from the early 20th century, the Australian landscape is still the main inspiration for the artist, can see this through the work of acclaimed by many artists such as Sidney Nolan, Grace Cossington Smith, Fred Williams Sidney Long and Clifton Pugh.

Music Australia

am nhac 3Music Australia has a wealth of diverse genres and styles, reflecting the intonation of language, tone of the song, the sound in the environment and various aspects of life. Australian indigenous music sounds and rhythms unique, besides the influence of immigrants has also contributed significantly to the definition and development of Australian music, especially contemporary music trends British, American. Many musicians, singers and performers who compose Australia with many genres, styles have international recognition. The most famous is the Dame Nellie Melba opera singer; Slim Dusty Country Music and Keith Urban; pop and rock band The Seekers, Yothu Yindi, INXS; Percy Grainger composers Peter Sculthorpe and.

Literature Australia

van hoc 1Literature Australia also took a lot of inspiration from natural landscapes. The famous works of famous writers are but portray successful picture of Australia's wildlife. Also the character of Australia in colonial times, which is reflected in literature beginning very familiar to readers today. These works emphasize the friendship, egalitarian and non-dictatorial so readers favorite Australia. Australia also has many world famous writers like Patrick White - writer has won the Nobel Prize for Literature, in addition Colleen McCullough, David Williamson, and David Malouf are three other writers names in Australian literature.

Study in Australia

du hoc 1Focusing so much renown universities in the world, a unique education and a learning approach encourages students to think creatively, innovative and independent. Australia is the world leader in the national list of students favored. Middle and educational establishments of many countries Australia considered excellent and high quality. Graduates find jobs easily and some hold important positions in the world. Furthermore graduates Australian university nor difficulty please follow courses at postgraduate level at the famous school in the world. That is why international students in Australia on a lot and study to become a unique culture of this country


Animals 3Although most of the territory of Australia which are desert or semi-desert, but Australia still owns a variety of rich habitats. Millions of years of evolution isolated from other continents gave the flora and fauna of Australia under the direction of evolution different from other places in the world. The result is a very large proportion of Australian species are not present in any other place. Terms 85% of plants flowering plants, 84% of mammals, 45% of birds and about 89% of temperate zone species are found only in Australia. Some species have become a symbol of Australia as marsupial kangaroo or koala species. Besides many other famous animals like the platypus, echidna, saltwater crocodile, emu ...
Australian people are very happy, enthusiastic and open-minded at the same time very polite and spoke highly courteous, they really were friends of the world. However you should note that some of the following to avoid misunderstandings in the encounter and communication.
- When meeting for the first time, usually you have to shake hands with his right hand and did not hug, kiss when not know each
- Looking straight into the eyes of others when talking, Australians regard it as a sign of respect and listening.
- Do not enter the Australian people without permission. If you want to it to notice. The home debut gift wine or chocolate.
- Do not arbitrarily touch the children in the street without the permission of her parents.
- Do not speak loudly in public places such as restaurants, trains, ...

Australian Cuisine

Famous Australian cuisine with compromise, the crystallization of many different cultures and still always have its own identity. It is also one of the features that will be unforgettable if once enjoy dishes come from this beautiful country.

Bush Tucker

bush tucker2Australians considered traditional indigenous dish his "Bush Tucker". This is a very special dish is derived from the original dish of ancient Aborigines. Bush Tucker made from plant material are of wild flora and fauna hunting is even deeper, pupa ... Often the dishes must be done by native chefs and food processors must have a border Stock your new correspondent enjoy. Not everyone will feel this dish but can not deny that it is very impressive, attractive and is a superb dish.


barbique 3People who have been to the outback are unforgettable dishes like steak BBQ with fragrant crispy baked in natural surroundings, airy, fresh. Enjoy a fun relaxing BBQ from Australia - with friends, family, people barbecue garden or park. Everywhere in the park are seats and space for barbecues, even where both are associated with gas oven. These locations are usually cared for and kept clean, even firewood to burn and no shortage, there is always marinated meat in shops and supermarkets.

Wine Australia

Referring to the wine, alongside France, Italy one does not forget to mention Australia. Australian wines have long been appreciated for the purity, refinement and luxury thanks to the extraction and refinement of craft based on ancient secrets. The vineyards produce wine of Australia began soon after the reclamation of the first European explorers to the grapes were shipped in the first shipment in 1788. Today, the wines Export is a trading industry brings billions of dollars and continues to grow as more and more consumers around the world prefer to enjoy the quality and diversity of Australian wine flavor.

Pupa affair

larvae moi 1Pupa is a food wholesale and unique period in Australia, very nutritious because it contains many protit. For thousands of years people here Aborigin tribes eat it. Currently, termite larvae are served fairly common at many restaurants in the city, with an extensive menu like fried, sautéed with vegetables and savory dishes styled Bush Tucker, and therefore without any traveler visiting or just wanted to enjoy a delicious initially see.

Kangaroo meat

3 mon kangarooKanguru is a special type of antelope found only in Australia. Grilled kangaroo dish was primitive aborigines transported across the desert. Kanguru has now become familiar with all the world's gourmet menu with dishes abundant from boiled, fried, steak, soups, stews, curries, meatballs, sausage processing, make hamburgers. But still the most delicious barbecue, marinated kangaroo meat with special spices specialized and purified from the Australian herbs, skewered grilled over charcoal. Vietnam Advantages of kangaroo meat is rich in protein, iron, vitamin B12 and contain low fat ratio.

Tasmanian beef grilled

tasmania bo nuong 2A famous food flavor delicious but any Australian travelers will want to enjoy again, that is beef barbecue Tasmania. This dish fame spread to all the countries in Asia that any chef who knows about it. Also the Tasmanian beef barbecue but rather elaborately processed with many other nutritious ingredients. Dishes with charming sweetness of Australian beef, shrimp smell of meat, the fat in cheese, milk and aromatic flavor of wild mushrooms. Enjoy while hot to enjoy the superb taste, sweet and soft difference unparalleled.

Grilled Australian crocodile

after uc ca nuongThe food is made from crocodile very popular with the residents of Australia and also a unique exotic dishes are very popular tourists while in the country. Best part of this fish species to include the tail. Alligator tail contains many nerve systems in the region should flesh firm and delicious. Crocodile meat is seasoned with spices from processing synthetic lemon, olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper in a few hours and then baked in a few minutes. Enjoy the hot, white crocodile meat with aroma and its toughness brings a touch of exotic and interesting.
A big concern of tourists to the country or a new city is to eat what, where, cuisine and price how? Here are some restaurants in Melbourne that visitors can consult.

Sails on the Bay

Sails on the BayAddress: 15 Elwood Foreshore, Elwood Victoria 3184, Australia
Opening hours: from 2:30 pm
One of the most famous restaurants in Melbourne on monumental level and quality. Located in very convenient location and beautiful, Sails restaurant serves specialty dishes from Australia and Asia, especially seafood and the famous wines of Australia and the world. Sails is a place to organize events, birthdays, weddings, conferences ... With 16 years of operating experience in the profession, Sails has always been voted the best restaurant in Melbourne. Price per meal here about 31 USD including 2 main dishes, coffee and desserts.

The Point Albert Park

The Point Albert ParkAddress: Aquatic Drive, Albert Park Lake
Hours: 12:00 to 3:00 PM and the evening
The Point Albert Park is a modern restaurant and also one of the best dining venues in Melbourne, which offers gourmet cuisine of Australia from modern to classic, especially where there is beef Beefteak Melbourne's finest. Extensive menu with delicious dishes, the restaurant also serves coffee and famous wines, it also regularly organizes events on special days like Christmas, New Year's Day mother ... Price per meal here about 35 USD including 3 main dishes, 3 desserts and 2 glasses of wine.

Ezard Restaurant

ezard restaurant 1Address: 187 Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hours: 12:00 to 2:30 PM; 6:00 to 10:00 PM
Ezard restaurant opened in 1999 serves excellent modern cuisine of Australia, with a luxurious space and cleanliness, style very professional service, comfortable and friendly. Extensive menu, tasty specialty dishes Australia, subtle blend of Asian cuisine such as China and Thailand. Price per meal at this restaurant range from 25 USD.

La Porchetta

La Porchetta 3Address: 308 Victoria Street, North Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Opening hours: 11:00 AM
La Porchetta is a famous Italian restaurant chain with more than 80 branches all over Australia. Best known for gourmet cuisine and Italian specialties cheap as pizza, pasta fame, the restaurant also serves meat, poultry and seafood equally tasty with a rich menu varied and always do satisfying culinary preferences of each person as well as their budget. Price per meal here range from 15-25 dollars.

The Deanery

the deanery1Address: 13 Bligh Place, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
Opening Hours: 12:00 PM from No. 2 to No. 6; 7th 6:00 PM
Deanery Restaurant open from 2002 is a two-storey building. The ground floor is a bar and tea room a cozy place to meet great, upstairs is a restaurant serving modern Australian cuisine. The menu is rich and diverse specialty dishes of Australia made fancy and attracted by the great chef, along with a collection of fine wines famous are the reasons that customers still regularly go back to this restaurant. The price of a meal here is about $ 35.

Esposito Seafood Dining

Esposito seafood 1Address: 162 Elgin Street Carlton Victoria 3053, Melboure, Australia
Opening Hours: 12:00 PM
Esposito's famous restaurant serving the finest seafood dishes Melbourne. As a large restaurant, elegant interiors with modern and artistic atmosphere creates a relaxed sophistication. Esposito also forces guests to remember her by the seafood is fresh modern Italian style, prepared with passion and inspiration of a legendary chef. The price of a meal here about 30 USD.

Shopping Guide

The tips in procurement seem unnecessary when shopping in Melbourne. Counterfeiting and Piracy are few and almost none, while prices were clearly marked and no bargain in the sale. Australian laws are very strict and rigorous in the quality inspection of goods and prices. Here are some shopping sites where visitors can consult.

Queen Victoria Market

queen victoria for 2Located in the heart of the city, began to open up trade in 1878, up to now has over 130 years, Queen Victoria Market is considered one of the largest outdoor street market southern hemisphere. We can say anything you want to buy is on sale here. Thousands of participating merchants trading everything from fruit and vegetables of Australia to the other multi-purpose products, souvenirs. And especially food, could be called paradise dining with renowned local cuisine. Queen Victoria Market attracts many tourists to visit the shop, which has more than 9.5 million years people have come here.

Camberwell Market

for Camberwell 2One of these places are very popular shopping cities, Camberwell Market is where you can find cheap items to surprise, even for free. Starting in 1976, Camberwell market is held regularly on Sundays. This is considered a weekend flea market most famous Melbourne with over 300 stalls. Customers can find handcrafted items made by the stall holders or old furniture is resold as crockery, paintings, antiques, clothing, books ... You can also purchase these items as hats, shoes and handbags.

South Melbourne Market

south melbourne market 2A market area is equally famous South Melbourne. Opened in 1867 underwent many changes, remodeling, the market is now being transferred to Port Phillip city council management. South Melbourne Market is quite vast and attracted many locals and tourists to visit and daily shopping. Guests here can buy food, clothing, sporting goods, gifts ... enjoy delicious food in the cuisine and discover interesting things in this market area.

Federation Square

Federation Square 3Federation Square is a federal architectural works nicely with a large space enough for 20,000 people, this is the meeting place of the city people. It also frequently occurs activities of community of the city, cultural events, musical performances, real marble ... and also a very interesting place to shop. Coming here you can find items including clothing, shoes, handbags, hats, books, toys ... Square Fedefation is one of the best places for you to buy souvenirs and gifts enough variety.

Melbourne Central

central melbourne 1Melbourne Central is a major commercial center and most modern in Melbourne, a stylish destination for shopping, dining and entertainment. With over 300 stores in a modern architectural space, reflecting the diversity and development of Melbourne's shopping capital. Here you can find all the brands of famous fashion houses from all over the world. Not only fashion and shopping, this place is a place to enjoy delicious food and top entertainment services. Central Melbourne is truly a wonderful place to visit.

Bourke Street Mall

Bourke street mall 1Situated between Swanston and Elizabeth and is a department store serving the shopping needs in Melbourne. In downtown location, Bourne Street Mall very convenient for those who do not have much time to shop. So here attracts a lot of locals, they come to shop for household items such as food, clothes, shoes ... Visitors also like the choice to buy clothes, handbags, perfumes and souvenirs. Here you can simultaneously listen to buskers and watch the circus performers.

Chadstone Park

Chadstone areaAlong with Melbourne Central, is one of two Chadstone shopping center of Melbourne with world-class in terms of both scale and quality. 13 km from the center of Melbourne's southeast, Chadstone open since 1960 and become a modern shopping center's largest southern hemisphere with more than 400 stores. Chadstone was named the fashion capital since it focuses all the exclusive fashion labels and top international country. It also focused a lot of bars, coffee, movie theaters and other small shops, it is an interesting place to visit and shop.
souvenirs 3There is one thing that tourists love shopping in Melbourne, which is convenient transportation and goods are available listed price and quality assured, shopping becomes easy and quick. You will also be easy to choose for themselves the souvenirs in souvenir shops, shopping centers and markets. Melbourne discount season lasts from May to July, in this season of goods decreased to almost ridiculous levels but certainly the quality of goods is still guaranteed. You should buy clothes, perfumes in Melbourne because of the quality and the price of it. The great souvenir was stuffed kangaroos; boomerang - a wooden weapons, tools of ancient indigenous Australians; didgerodoo - a wooden instrument beautifully decorated and many other wood products.

Have to go

Popular tourist city of Melbourne will surely have a lot of exciting things await every visitor we discover. You can refer to some famous attractions beautiful and attract many tourists below to prepare for his journey.

Mornington Peninsula

Mornington Peninsula 1As one of the attractions most popular in Melbourne, downtown is only about an hour drive, Mornington Peninsula getaway with the operation of great entertainment for summer in the city This. Follow the locals here to the seaside village of Sorrento and Portsea with immense blue ocean with marine life exhibit, trendy merchandise, diverse cuisine and not forget to enjoy a glass of wine on the hotel's lawn Portsea. Red Hill Red Hill will lead you to the Port Western Port Marina, Hastings and many beautiful coastal bays.

Phillip Island

Phillip Dao 1From Mornington Peninsula, a train will take visitors to Phillip Island - home to penguins. Phillip Island is one of the four best places near Antarctica and 160 km from Melbourne. Though away from the center, but every afternoon on the island are always thousands of people gathered to witness the parade of little penguins and cute. On the island there are Philip Island Wildlife Park park where visitors can observe and play with a variety of animals characterized Australia as Kanguru mischievous, Wombat plump and cute Koala bear. Phillip Island is also the ideal place for tourists who love the ocean and sports enthusiasts active on the beach.

Great Ocean Road

Great Ocean Road 3Great Ocean Road, or call "Marine Highway" is known as the "playground of aliens", the long road that runs along the southeast coast of Australia, is situated between Victoria and Warrnambool area. Guests take a drive on the coastal road with spectacular scenery in the world famous, visit the tourist cities such as Apollo Bay Lorne and cheap then landward to Otway Ranges mountains cute and look Recent boulders coastal areas have specific shapes in National Park Port Campbell National Park.

Grampians National Park

Park Grampians 1Grampians National Park stretches over 90 km and is a completely forgettable. Guests here can explore a diverse population of wildlife and vegetation surrounded the Aboriginal rock paintings. It is also seen as one of the most exciting discoveries in the world at night to contemplate firsthand the "nocturnal residents." There are over 40 species of owl - specialized species of nocturnal animals, besides visitors can catch other species such as birds emus, kangaroos, animals feathers, small kangaroos ...


Park Grampians 1Visitors to Melbourne should not be overlooked attractions this interesting. Grampians mountain is where you can meet like trekking and hiking to explore the mysterious mountain. It is also known for the spectacular natural beauty, suitable for walking interesting forest road, watching the amazing mountain scenery and emotion filled with wildflowers around. By the Grampians mountain you have the opportunity to discover Aboriginal cultural center in the heart of the Wimmera region.

High Country Zone

High Country Zone 1A great place for visitors can be physically active and scenic, beautiful High Country is where you will find the state's winter playground. Mt Buller, Mt Hotham and Falls Creak was great resorts, there are so many different activities to enjoy throughout the year. Here you can ski, bushwalk, horse riding, mountain biking, fishing, kite flying, across streams with friends or sightseeing balloon. High Country truly a paradise for sports enthusiasts.