Things to explore in Yen Bai – Part 3

For many people, even Vietnamese, Yen Bai is somewhat of a disclosed location. The only thing that might be heard about Yen Bai is Mu Cang Chai as this has been known the place for adventure among young individuals. However, have you really dig down deep to find other attractions in Yen Bai? Have a look at this article to have a better idea on things to explore in Yen Bai.
As shown in the title, this is the third and final part of this article. For a comprehensive guide on Yen Bai traveling, check out part 1 and part 2 as well.

Khau Pha Gorge

Khau Pha Gorge – A difficult challenge for even the most seasoned bikers
One of the steepest and sharpest routes in all of Vietnam, Khau Pha Gorge cross over Mount Khau Pha, the highest mountain in Mu Cang Chai. This road curves around untouched jungles and slides into the rice terraces of the H’Mong people.
Khau Pha is most beautiful in harvest season, around September and October. This is the time when risk takers start racing to conquer the gorge while enjoying the sight. The jungles of Khau Pha still serve as home for many rare species.
The road of Khau Pha is not at all preferable. There are around a dozen tight turns. The road is in great need of a restoration as right now, it is easily avalanched. Add into that, there is always a risk of rock slides happening at any time. There are many heavyweight vehicles traveling in this road for the steepness, the length, and the risk.

Van Military Base

Van Military Base is a wide area, located in the south of Tran Yen district and the southeast of Van Chan district. The base has 2 important areas which can be found in Van Village and Dong Yeng Village.
Van Village is a valley which is surrounded by high mountains which tower up to 200-500m, the valley is 4.5km long and is difficult to travel around, nowadays is constructed as ‘Ruong bac thang’. After the war the Van river, which is combined after 3 smaller rivers, was built by the local villagers to provide a water source for the rice fields. During the war, there was only one entrance to the village and it is through a dangerous gorge. Discrete and close to politics center, this area was chosen to be a main headquarter.
Dong Yeng Village is about 4km away from Van Village to the east. With strategic positioning, preferable terrains, Dong Yeng was chosen to be the training camp for the army.

Ba Nha Bridge

10km away from Mu Cang Chai, there is a little bridge called Ba Nha, which means 3 houses, or 3 families. There’s nothing too special about the bridge itself, however, it has a killer view. Before reaching Mu Cang Chai, one should consider making a stop here, go down the nearby dirt road to get some awesome panoramas, or just take a selfie with a majestic background.

Dai Cai ancient relic

Located in Luc Yen district, 80km away from Yen Bai city, Dai Cai includes Ben Lan temple, Hac Y clay pagoda, Dai Cai temple and the Bau city wall surrounding the horse track.
Dai Cai is located under the Black King mountain, next to Chay and Dai Cai rivers. The worshiped gods in here are the ones who helped founded the markets, the villages, the streets. Dai Cai temple was around since the Hau Le dynasty, built by the locals to worship Vu Ngoc Anh, daughter of a general who was murdered by the Mac. She was a businesswoman responsible for the construction of the city wall and the markets. Also, the temple worships the brothers Vu Van Mat and Vu Van Uyen, who greatly contributed in defeating the Mac. Temples Dai Cai and Ben Lan both have beautiful architecture, especially the foundation rocks, each weighs over 200 lbs, carved with textures of moons, lotuses, and leaves.

West Yen Bai

It is unknown why the most adventurous locations can only be found in the West of Yen Bai, locations like Ta Si Lang, Hang Te Cho, Phinh Ho, Che Tao, Mu Cao … probably only suitable for those who love going off-road. For those who aren’t seasoned travelers, it is recommended that you put these destinations in your to-go list in the long distance future.

Hang Te Cho

The entrance to Hang Te Cho
Hang Te Cho is the furthest village of Lang Nhi, Yen Bai. This is the living location of dozens of Mong tribes. The main attraction of Hang Te Cho is a majestic waterfall with the same name, one of most must-see falls in the North West.

Ta Si Lang

Ta Si Lang is a village located in Tram Tau district, Yen Bai. All people here are H’Mong, most are farmers. With the dangerous terrain at an altitude of 2000m above sea level, getting into Ta Si Lang is extremely difficult. Formerly there weren’t even dirt road in here, just dirt. But now there is a road (still dirt) and it is around 4-5m wide, occasionally avalanched and jammed in the rain. The steepness is also of the charts, about 15-20%, so make sure that you have a good form of transportation to make it up these hills.

Che Tao

The road to Che Tao, Yen Bai
A high ground village in Mu Cang Chai next to Muong La, Che Tao is one of the challenges for backpackers of all levels. Che Tao is only 35km away from town center, yet there is no official road here yet, it would take at least half a day to get from Mu Cang Chai to the middle of the village. Che Tao is tailored-made for those who love going off-road.

Ban Mu

A village upon the mountain of Tram Tau village, 12km away from town center, Ban Mu located 1km above off sea level. Ban Mu here means “The Blind Village”, and there is a reason for this name. The village is covered with mist all year long, so finding your way around the village can be a problem.