Original tourist destinations, featured culture and the friendliness of local people make Chile loved by many tourists although disasters often happen here.
People: Chile is one of the most friendly, wonderful and generous nations in the world. They often smile and willing to invite you a glass of wine or a meal. Coming here, you should spend time to talk to local people to hear about interesting stories. Photo: Sapphireoflondon
Cuisine: Chile is famous for lunches compared as a “King’s meal”. With original materials, special processing way and pleasant price, these dishes will please tourists without worrying about being broken.  Photo: Marcopoloseafood
Island and sea: Chile is the country on the beach, along mostly the whole South America. From crowded beaches in the North to black sand beaches in the South, the Easter Island with mysterious statues, Chile has full of different landscapes to satisfy tourists.  Photo: Beforeitsnews
History: From the colonial time to history of natives, dictatorial system and conflicts, to the independence battle, etc. Chile’s history has aspects and changes which tourists can search. Photo: Latinchattin.
Past and present: Chile has many leading modern cities in South America, but tourists can still see local people living in traditional style, ox-cart or horse-cart. In the progress of modernization, Chilean still keeps their cultural features. Photo: Bricsmagazine
Landscapes: This country has an imposing mountain landscape, desert, beach, volcano and ice river, etc. The wildness of these places attracts tourists who love to be with nature. Photo:  Steve Blank.
Architecture: Chile has Spanish style constructions; impressive houses of artists, even the local houses also have original features delighting tourists. Photo: Skyscrapercity
According to Earthquaketrack, Chile locates on the earthquake area, where the Nazca tectonic piece sliding under the South America. In the past decade, earthquake often happens in this country. In 2010, an 8.8 degree Richter earthquake made 700 people dead. Only in 2014, there are 316 earthquakes in Chile.