Sydney: City tourism

Australia - a summary 2As the only country in the world occupy the entire continent and is the largest country in regional Australia - Asia, today "the land of Kangaroos" is one of the most attractive country for the world traveler international. Australia, the English name is Australia, occupying the entire Oceania includes a large island of Tasmania, a state of Australia and many other smaller islands. Australia's neighboring countries including New Zealand (southeast), Indonesia, East Timor (north), Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia (northeast).
Until today time of human appearance Australian country remains one of the more controversial issues. There are a number of studies suggest that the presence of humans about 50,000 years ago but there is evidence that humans arrived earlier this land, about 100,000 years ago or longer. Since it was a Portuguese discovery in Australia in 1552 and then the country has a lot of changes in the political situation; especially since the British set foot on this land (January 26, 1778) and then this day is also the national day of Australia. Until today Australia is a completely sovereign and institutional "constitutional monarchy"; however, a number of policies and laws still deeply influenced and partly governed by the British. Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom as well as the Queen of Australia, but the role of the Queen almost entirely on rituals, the highest power belongs to the Prime Minister. Australia is one country with ease immigration laws in the world that is why the diversity in Australian society on ethnic skin color as such. Most Australians are now sourced from Europe, especially the UK and a large part coming from Asian countries like China and Vietnam.

Sydney, Australia

Sydney 3_1As the largest city, famous and oldest of Australia and is also the state capital of New South Wales. Continuity in recent years Sydney has always led the list of the best tourist cities in the world. Sydney is located on a delta sediments in the Pacific coast, owns numerous ports and the largest natural bays in the world such as sea ports and more than 70 bay Jackson and numerous beautiful beaches spellbinding including the famous Bondi Beach. Sydney is Australia Aboriginal people reclaiming and living from a very early (about 30,000 years ago), but it was not until the first decade of the 19th century Sydney starters built and invested as one of the central city of Australia. And also since that Sydney has the speedy development of economic, cultural as well as all aspects of life from matter to spirit for the people of Sydney in particular and Australia in general people.
Sydney is an area considered "good land birds pass" with the mass migration of people from all over the world from Europe, the Americas, until Asia, Africa. Coastal ocean climate with cool summers and mild winters with some rainfall spread evenly throughout the year has led to the city's climate and good stability in the world and it is also one of the reasons because more and more tourists coming down here just to avoid the hot sun of summer or a cold winter.

Sydney 1Besides Sydney was a commercial center of Australia's largest financial centers with a wealth of financial and monetary and hundreds of large and small commercial centers has created a huge gravitational pull for tourists here to meet international shopping. In addition, a factor perhaps the most attractive and the biggest reason explained for the growing number of international tourists visiting this city that is there are a lot of well-known tourist destinations both natural and artificial. You will be surprised and impressed with the Opera House, the magnificent and artistic, or if the sea lovers are sure you will be conquered by the white sand and bright sunlight of Bondi Beach or you can with an exciting trip to the wildlife park to see kangaroos mischievous and countless other rare animals.

Culture Australia

Culture 2Australia is a nation of cultural diversity - one of the most diverse cultures in the world - with many unique features is people from all over the world brought. According to the results of the last census, there are 23% of the Australian population was born overseas (the highest in the world) and over 40% of Australians are of mixed cultural backgrounds, every 4 minutes left Australia received a new immigrant and only 2.2% of Australians identify themselves as people "lifting." Every nation, every immigrant brings Australian culture a unique beauty and the different. But overall there's one thing everyone knows about Australian culture when there are people that Australians love sport, love art. All the different cities of Australia are full of activities and cultural activities from cinema, literature and music to theater, dance and visual arts such as painting, cinema theater . The foundation of Australian culture rooted in aboriginal appeared almost 100,000 years ago with the task of hunting, gathering, and they have left until now a lot of photos, music instruments in the cave ...
But from the 20th century Australian culture is strongly influenced by American popular culture mainly television and cinema, and by a large percentage of foreign immigrants. On the football world is considered the "king sport" but in Australia this sport does not attract young people in football. Approximately 24% of Australians aged over 15 participated in regular sports activities like cricket, Netball (a subject like basketball), racing, sailing ... Australia is also involved in organizing many tournaments can prestigious international sport, especially not to mention "Australian Open", "auto racing formula one world" ...
Besides sports, the arts as well as one of the beauties unique culture of Australia, ballet, dance ... as one of the "spiritual food" indispensable to the Australian people on weekends or special occasions. Perhaps there will be major deficiencies without mention of Orchestra in cultural beauty of the Australian people. In Australia each county, each region has a separate concert halls and schools training class this artform very scope and methodology. In general, Australian culture is one of the modern culture and the most diverse in the world today.

History Australia

History and development 2Australian culture is formed from very long, since humans appear and live next to rivers, forests they have created a unique culture, like decorative paint in caves , like singing dancing evidence over the left instrument. Australian culture today is a combination of culture "lifting" in combination with the culture brought by immigrants to the West, especially as England, Portugal ... and especially the United States through the movie. All world cultures blend and flourish in this beautiful country created a culture very unique and also very close.

Visual Arts

Visual Arts 1Since ancient ancestors of Australia now has a passion for visual art - admire the art form and enjoy the eye can understand more simply-painting art. The proof is in the cave there are many paintings of birds, trees and all the festivals, dances, dances are the "artists" put into painting. In the early '20s by the wave of imported culture from European countries, American style and themes of Australian art also changed from natural to focus more on human beings. But ever Australian landscape remains an endless source of inspiration for artists.


Symphony 2Symphony is one of the most outstanding beauty in Australian culture. This is an art form indispensable in music programs from large to small in Australia. "Theatre oyster" is a symbol of the prosperity of the symphony, and is one of the biggest pride of the people of Australia. Everyone from young to old for even one homeless, unemployed or a billionaire, also shared the joy, the happiness that is the symphony. Tourists coming from any other country in the world to visit this country also want at least once to the theater in Australia to ngh Symphony.


Kanguru 1Kangaroos kangaroos have long become an indispensable symbol of Australia. Although most of the territory is desert and semi-desert, but Australia still have forests with many rare plant and animal species found nowhere else in the world. Currently Australia is one of the rare countries where the conservation of native forests are a number of rare plant and animal species as koala bears, koalas, eucalyptus ... present a significant number of visitors travel to Australia only with a desire to see one of the rare animals.

Study in Australia

Studying in Australia 3Currently Australian education is one of the advanced education and most modern in the world. With hundreds of leading universities specializing in training complete all fields from economics, music till the sectors of agriculture, forestry and fishery products. With quality international standards, costs and entry requirements are relatively low compared with other countries so Australia is one of the countries with the largest student travel world. Students, students from Vietnam appear growing at the College and University in Australia shows Australian overseas is one of the increasing demand of many people.

Sydney is one of the cities most open and friendly in the world, so people here are also very sociable and hospitable. Because this city has many immigrants to the lifestyle of the people are also very generous and comfortable. However, we also need a few notes for travelers to this country. Shaking hands is the most popular offerings of the Australians, when they should salute accompanied by the word "he", "she", "her" ... or more polite "sir" in front of someone they express respectful attitude. And especially when the communication should keep a distance with the opposite, absolutely not with the actions of other body touches and men are not allowed to wink at women because according to Australia it is an attitude very rude ...

Australian Cuisine

Australian cuisine 2Australia famous culinary capital have reconciled, the crystallization of many different cultures and still always have its own identity. That's a point that it will be difficult to forget if you have time to enjoy the dishes come from this beautiful country. In addition to the traditional native cuisine is Australian cuisine influenced many cuisines of England because they are alien to the first settlers here. These include cakes, the big steak or chopped and served with special sauces and vegetables something (this combination is also known as "meat and three vegetables").
Today, moist real Aussie now influenced by the variety of food from Mediterranean and Asian immigrants. British culinary imprint exists in a certain degree as in the snack bar, the shop made ​​available to the fish pieces, traditional potato. Besides Australian cuisine is famous for fresh seafood, local fruits fruit, beef, lamb and cheese cakes leading. Here are some famous dishes of Australians:

Beef Australia

These meat mon bo 1Australian beef is the meat which is exported around the world and is a favorite dish of all people. Although Australia is not a country with large number of cows but the cows here are for the particularly delicious meats. Australians processed lot from beef dishes such as beef beefsteak, fried black pepper beef, beef sate ... and especially beef wine sauce fragrant, enticing ready to conquer even the most difficult customers greatest. Arrived without tasting the real beef is a major shortcoming in travel trip to "the land of Kranguru".


BBQ 2Australia is sparsely populated areas should almost always a space for outdoor barbecue. Aussie BBQ is usually enjoyed on special occasions, such as holidays, with friends to play or picnic ... To taste the BBQ almost every family in Australia also have an oven in the garden or yard and be able to carry handbags picnic. Raw materials for making BBQ not hard to find in the markets and supermarkets in Australia. That may be beef, kangaroo, lamb cutlets, sausages ... Meat without cutting themselves off marinade and place on grill spend some oil into the fiery fragrance is spread.

Bush Tucker

Bush Tucker 3Australians considered a traditional dish of their native Bush Tucker - special dishes derived from the original dish of ancient Aborigines. Bush Tucker there are the raw materials of plant vegetation and wild animals are hunted worm pupae including ... Not everyone will enjoy this dish but can not deny the appeal and publications its object. If you want to experience traditional cuisine from Australia that will be a dish you can not miss the hotel's menu.

Wine Australia

Australian wine 2Australian wines have long been appreciated for the purity, refinement and luxury thanks to the extraction and refinement of craft based on ancient secrets. Due to the climate and soil, Australian grapes have naturally high sugar content, the vineyard is located in hot climate areas serve wine producing heavy alcohol wines ie higher and keep long and tastier than other wines. An expert on French wine, said "Australian wines are now a fashion statement." So there is nothing more wonderful when you enjoy a bottle of wine at the Sydney Australia?

Sydney is one of the city's major tourist attractions and the world's most famous. Therefore, the services offered to visitors here very well especially in the search for a restaurant is not easy anywhere in Sydney.

Tetsuya's Restaurant

Tetsuya_s Restaurant 2Address: 529 Kent Street, Sydney

Price: 5 USD / item

As one of the finest restaurants and the most famous city of Sydney is a large tourist and abroad cherish. The restaurant can entertain hundreds of guests at a time designed downright airy elegance. The cuisine of the restaurant's famous restaurant dishes made with raw seafood, such as salmon, smoked salmon and oysters ... besides the BBQ are also more popular with visitors.

Bilson's Restaurant

Bilson_s Restaurant 2Address: 27 O'Connell Street, Sydney

Price: 3 USD / item

This is one of the famous restaurants and captured the hearts of so many international visitors from near and far with the number of tourists coming here growing. Designed in a sophisticated and elegant with a team of chefs and professional staff, dedicated to the cuisine rich and varied sure will please diners. Dishes you can not miss this place is beef wine sauce specialty restaurants.

Yellowfin Seafood Restaurant

Address: 6/20 Avenue Broadbeach Queensland, Sydney

Price: 3 USD / item

The restaurant has hundreds of dishes with Asian styles and materials are mainly seafood. With the world's top chefs experience should have won the hearts of many international customers. At this point you do not miss the grilled seafood dishes such as grilled lobster, oyster roast ... and enjoy Australian wine, nothing can match.

Zanders Restaurant

Address: 1 Scarborough Beach Road, Sydney

Price: 5 USD / item

The restaurant overlooking the white sand beach with space designed in an open way to give visitors a feeling like standing in between natural surroundings winding. With professional staff and taste the famous French chef will bring to customers the impressive feast. Famous dishes of the restaurant is probably the dish "with foie gras sauce-class".

Pronto Restaurant

Address: 16 Bayview Terrace Street, Sydney

Price: 4 USD / item

Italian restaurant serves hundreds of different dishes from seafood to meat dishes forest will certainly fully meet the needs of customers. The restaurant is always crowded is a testament to the talents of the chefs cooking here. At this point you do not forget to taste the pasta - specialties of the restaurant and also of Italian cuisine.

Shopping Guide

Not as famous as Singapore - shopping paradise, but Sydney still attracts every year a large number of international visitors coming to ... purchase discount. In general, the Australian fashion market is one of the largest market with the full participation of the "giants" in the fashion world such as Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Cavalli Robertto ... Besides numerous secondary commercial center, as well as the famous fashion shops abound in the streets of Sydney has surprised many visitors. Because commodity prices are slightly higher compared here with other regional and city tours so little advertising to the acquisition in Australia. However once in the off season (late June early July), the tourists come here shopping abound. In the winter in Australia, all items are discounted from 10 to 80% in order to stimulate all consumers. Then the price of some commodities fashion in Australia is even cheaper than the same type found in Vietnam. So if want to combine tourism with shopping in Sydney best time is in late June when the season begins discounts.

The Australians say little more challenging when it comes Asians, however to be able to buy items cheaply and fit your pocket, you should pay the price and negotiate with the seller or you can a stroll see prices and give a most reasonable price. The Sydney also very generous and pleasant, so the bid is not impossible for them. And here are some commercial center you should visit:

Harris Carfe

Harris Carfe 2Address: 151 Macquarie Street, Sydney

Harris Carfe system is one of the most large chain stores in Australia, in the city in this beautiful country one can encounter at least a dozen of Harris Carfe the store. Said store but many wide by 2 so it was supermarket in Vietnam together, selling a full range of products from fashion clothing to household items like table, chair, closet ... Rating prices here have often cheaper than other stores, in the off season, everyone poured chocolate come here shopping, from early morning to late at night, make sure you buy multiple items at extremely low prices where here.

Grandma Take A Trip

Take A Trip Grandma 2_1Address: 263 Crown Street, Sydney, New South Wales

As one of the largest shopping center with the famous fashion brands in the world come from France, Italy ... You can easily find here in fashionable outfits just last week appeared on the floor Fashion show in France as well as countless other fashion products such as handbags, wallets, belts, ... full of famous products. In the off season these products also discounts from 5-30% depending on the item. It is also the best opportunity for visitors to have the opportunity to own the popular fashion products.

The Rock Market

The rocks market 2Address: 33 Wheat Rd, Sydney New South Wales

The Rock Market is one of the malls were tourists Favourite by cheap prices and staff here are also very friendly sales. But the biggest reason is probably because the number of customers as well as the models here abound. From clothing fashion to the small souvenir and also a lot of products for household use. Perhaps commodities tourists here buy most probably souvenirs and household items. Shopping here you can bid and negotiate until feels most appropriate.

Bondi Beach Market

Bondi Beach Market 1The markets are open at the beach to cater to tourists, the main products sold here are antiques, art toys, souvenirs, furniture to decorate the house very beautiful and rare . Besides, it also sells a variety of clothing, fabrics with very cheap prices. However you can still buy cheaper if you know how to negotiate. The carts selling food here is very tasty as grilled meats, seafood ... surely will bring you moments of style "Australia".

Paddington Markets

Ch_ Paddington 1Located at the corner of Oxford Street and Newcombe, Paddington market is only open on Saturdays and is favorite place of artists and fashion designers. It sold everything related to fashion from clothing, accessories, jewelry and fine art to decorative items, outsourcing. At this point you will be immersed in the atmosphere of fashion, the atmosphere of the artist with the style of dress is very stylish. After visiting the shopping you can sit sipping a cup of coffee flavor sidewalk very special in a very special atmosphere.

Goulds Book Arcade

Goulds Book Arcade 2_1If you are the avid reader, claims or simply want to collect books, Goulds Book Arcade is the place you can not miss while in Sydney. Millions of books exhibited a very subtle way of making customers entered with a feeling like you're entering a true intellectual treasure, one of the true world. In bookstores also sold many souvenirs as neckties, handkerchiefs and T-shirts printed with the Australian flag or mischievous kangaroos ...

Supermarket Cabramatta

a supermarket by Cabramatta 1There is a sentence handed down by the Vietnamese in Australia are: visitors to Sydney without coming Cabramatta person shall be deemed not Vietnam. Supermarket freedom by the Vietnamese immigration to Australia to build offices for decades now it has developed is not inferior to the supermarket center of Sydney. Here selling most of the products that supermarkets and markets in Vietnam are available. From the clothing items, household items and special traditional dishes such as pasta, noodles, noodle soup, fried spring rolls ... Come one trip you will certainly not surprised to find a "fair Big "at Sydney.

Souvenirs 1Perhaps anyone while traveling also want to buy some souvenirs for your family and friends but nothing suitable gift is not easy. Most tourists arriving in Sydney Vietnam often cursory wine, handcrafted items by themselves as Aboriginal bracelets, masks, carved stones Opera House, or buy the clothes and a Some electronic items such as cell phones ... These souvenirs are sold at markets, the big shopping malls or tourist attractions are also available.

Have to go

Sydney many years been voted the beautiful tourist city and the world's best. Apart from the friendliness of the people of Sydney, subculture and traditional cuisine appeal also owns Sydney tourist attractions, beautiful landscapes and famous around the world. That may be the scenic natural marvels like Bondi Beach with white sand stretches charm, and it would be a magnificent Opera House is full and full of so much art and so many places willing to do whatever fascinating visitor. Here are some typical tourist attractions tourists can not miss when arriving in Sydney this beautiful and friendly.

Opera House

Opera House 3Opera House - one of the biggest icons and is a pride of the people of Sydney in particular and humanity in general. Architecture was completed after nearly 20 years to build and occupy a similar position as the Taj Mahal in India, the Acropolis monuments in Greece or the Pyramids of Egypt ... Definitely not a tourist visitor Sydney's calendar does not want to visit the "Opera House" is. At this point you can capture memories or buy tickets to a concert, nothing great by. Fares to on tour is 23 AUD / adults.

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Sydney Harbour Bridge 1Located right next to "the Opera" is a magnificent and indispensable symbol of Australia. This bridge is one of the few bridges held by many "firsts" one: as the widest bridge in the world, the highest bridge in the world (now got some bridges of France, Germany crossed) , and for years has been voted the world's most beautiful bridges. That is the reason that tourists can not ignore this bridge in his journey. Besides there is something perhaps attract more visitors to the bridge when it's game "journey to conquer the wharf". But not everyone is brave enough to try this game. So this game is not for the "faint of heart".

Sydney Aquarium

Sydney Aquarium 1Sedney Oceanographic Museum Aquarium is one of the world's largest aquarium - home to over 6,000 marine species typical of Australian waters. Guests will have the opportunity to discover a world of fantasy deep water when walking along a glass pipe length of 145 meters beneath the sea Darling harbor. Sydney Aquarium was built to commemorate the 200 year anniversary since the birth of Australia and Sydney Aquarium 1988 soon became a destination attracting a large number of international visitors.

Bondi Beach

Bondi Beach 3With white sand stretches nearly 7 kilometers along positioned is why long beach has become one of the beaches attract numerous tourists in the world. Especially numerous annual cultural festival takes place on this beach has attracted millions of tourists each year flock here to explore the endless joy of the land of Kangaroos . The beach is known for annual events such as Flickerfest Film Festival took place in May in particular, the World Environment Day on June ... Besides this beach also focused a lot of hotels, restaurants, cafe lavish and luxurious coffee.

Wandin Valley Estate and Sandalyn

Valley 180x180 Must goPerhaps many international travelers as well as tourists to Sydney Vietnam simply want to get shown up in the grape plantations to watch and enjoy the grapes ripened on the tree. Besides tourists are also visiting and tasting of wines newly-minted tradition. Besides alcohol factory cheese factory that you can eat as much as you like. It also is a place to visit and favorite shopping lots of visitors. That is why after the car left here everyone to find yourself a few bottles of wine and some cheese box with very cheap price but quality is guaranteed.

Nelson Bay

V_nh Nelson 2As one tourist destination not to be missed when traveling to Sydney. Nelson Bay captivating tourists with its crystal clear waters, the boats go up and down tourists scenic two bayside all creates a very special atmosphere. Especially coming visitors the opportunity to watch whales very close distances. Along the shores of the bay there are many restaurants and cafes are designed pretty cool and is a very romantic for couples.

Park Featherdale

Park Featherdale wild D_ 3Located in Blacktown, Featherdale Park is the pride of the people of Australia, where more than 2,200 foster rare animal species, the most characteristic of Australia as koala bear, kangaroo, platypus ... Besides you also have very many other rare animals like penguins Fairy Penguins, saltwater crocodile ... Here you will enjoy a wild life really is for the kangaroo eat, "smoked" the gentle koala uncle and shooting Figure with other cute animals. It also sold a lot of souvenirs and even the cafe "wild" very impressive.

Taronga Zoo

Taronga Zoo australia 180x180 Must goOne of Australia's largest zoos which also have a wealth of rare animal species, characteristic of Australia as the seals, penguins, sea newspaper ... and other sea animals very lovely. You also have the opportunity to see these animals close endangered chimps like 60, sharks, bears ... these animals are very friendly and offers exciting moments for guests . It also has launched the exhibition area called the Great Southern Qceans with the variety of rare marine species.

Museum of Sydney

Museums sydney 1_1In addition to tourist attraction with numerous famous sights, the culture is also one of the reasons that attract tourists. Sydney has numerous museums open to tourists sightseeing like the Australian Museum, Jewish Museum, Museum of human strength, Oceanographic Museum ... but probably the most popular tourist attraction remains the Museum of Sydney - which showcases artifacts, relics and mark the formation and development of Sydney. Go here you will partly understand more about the country, people's habits of Australians.