Brunei: Sultanate

Brunei 01The country is also known as the Brunei Darussalam Brunei or Brunei kingdom. The country has extensive 5.765km2 area, population 380,000. Brunei is formed from the end of 14th century Located acres between Malaysian Borneo and overlooking the South China Sea, Brunei has over 75% of the area's woods and forests close to the city, harmoniously together. The capital is also the largest city of Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei's Area.

Brunei notoriously largest Muslim city in the region and the world. With a history that form the country's culture rich Brunei bold Islamic activities. Brunei is known as the land of the mosque (with more than 100 churches) that architecture is characterized by pyramidal roof with two white - yellow. Many magnificent cathedral amazing: the Arab carpet, wall tiles and gilded Europe over the place. The crystal chandeliers in gold leaf weighs three tons of beautiful couple. White marble cathedral prominent in the sky - forest - water river. The roof spire gold plated - tip often pure gold - resplendent in the sunset.

Brunei around the country, at the center of many major construction projects. In Brunei architectural style houses are home to the sprawling mansion car. According to the study, each with three people on average used car. By having too many cars so few buses Brunei. Guests should pay attention to ease of travel when visiting Brunei. On the taxi, both Brunei only about 50 taxis. Your charge is calculated according to destination rather than clock km.

In addition to land area, in Brunei has a population of living on the city's rivers. Caused a floating village with about 30,000 residents living in the floating villa complete advanced facilities. Floating village called Kampung Ayer village, inside the village are full of schools, mosques, hospitals and administrative offices. Before each home has pier for boats to dock. During the wedding both beautifully decorated room. Because Islam allows men to take four wives on condition that enough patronage and women live together peacefully.

Since the 1930s, people were living on Brunei Petroleum. Banda Seri Begawan the capital is about 70km Belait district - the center of oil and gas. In Belait oil everywhere, both on sea and on shore. Thousands of wells pump deliberate on smoking push play a rocking fun. Tap water in Brunei can drink directly without having to cook, but more expensive than kerosene.

Visit Brunei, guests can try to reign in the Empire six-star hotel, luxury Asian juggernaut. Site wide with many advanced facilities. On the cruise, Brunei has 161km coastline, many beautiful beaches and virgin to heart always attract visitors.

Bandar Seri Begawan Area

Bandar Seri Begawan AreaBandar Seri Begawan Area is the capital and largest city of the royal family of the Sultanate of Brunei. The city is densely populated place quite crowded with many buildings bearing royal identity. Guests visiting the capital can visit interesting places like the palace of the kingdom, some church ... Bandar Seri Begawan City Area is where the production of furniture, textiles, crafts, and quite exquisite furniture. Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque was built in 1958, features a large dome and lavish interior with Italian marble. Across the church is carpeted and has lifts to move. Especially church also has tunnel to the Kings used when the city acts. Bandar Seri Begawan Area Unique because it is also best for the country village - Kampung Ayer.

Capital Bandar Seri Begawan is named after the late king, the father of the reigning emperor Omar Ali Safuddin 1975, its original name was Bandar Brunei. Begawan is a name given to the Brunei king abdicated in the tradition of the kingdom of Brunei. Bandar derives from Persian meaning "port" or "shelter". In Malay bandar means "city".

Kuala Belait

Kuala Belait 02Kuala Belait is the modern city of Brunei. This is the second-largest city, after the capital - the city of Bandar Seri Begawan and the administrative organization of Brunei Belait District. "Kuala Belait" means "door Belait River". Its name comes from "Kuala" meaning the confluence of the two rivers or the mouth of a river, while "Belait" is the name of the river and the city district. Kuala Belait economic value and high tourism, it focuses a lot of Muslim mosques as well as the palace of the royal family of Brunei.

Muara- Brunei

Brunei Muara- 01

The port city is many people find that the Muara port city. Muara is famous port city of Brunei. City name placed meaning its reality. According to the Brunei Muara language means estuary, the gateway to go out of the country. Muara Port from the old days was an important port of Brunei. Thanks to the port where the goods trade opportunities as well as the culture of the country to the outside add rich Brunei. Geographical location, the Muara favorable position. As an island surrounded carefully separate entry. Sea around Muara have surrounded the bays and channels. Today the Brunei Muara are on the rise quickly become bustling port city bustling activity. Especially the agency as well as the administrative organization of Brunei are based activities here.


Seria 02Seria Belait District is the city of Brunei Darussalam. The full name of the city is Pekan Seria. As from the Malay "Pekan" means "Town". The name "Seria" of the city comes from the river located very near where oil was first discovered in the area of ​​Brunei in 1929. The city center is quite busy, busy. This area is located in beautiful position of county Belai. From the capital of Brunei could easily go on city tours Seria. It is also imbued with common life, of people reticent in her bloodstream Brunei Islam.

Culture Brunei

Holistic view of history can see that the culture of Brunei's culture very much influenced by the surrounding culture. The influence of neighboring cultures bring to Brunei the new definition. These cultural factors are combined influence harmonious gave new culture of Brunei add multiple identities. The country where the culture is influential Brunei Malaysia and Indonesia. Two country closer geographically Brunei as well as history. So the Brunei pretty much influenced culturally these two countries is also understandable. Also, according to the study also documented daily life for thousands of years so far of Brunei has affected the provisions of Islamic religious culture and Hinduism. Two religions so deeply influenced the lifestyle of daily living of the people of Brunei. These rules or customs and lifestyle of the people of Brunei are clearly reflected this. Most people in the life standards of the people of Brunei are influenced by Islam.

The people of Brunei are sourced from Malaysia. But in everyday life, the people of Brunei to conservative and exclusive with people of his origin. It noted that the rules of Islam have shaped the character of people of Brunei. Brunei around the country still retains many of the buildings with bold architectural culture of Islam. Church here is believed deeply spiritual and meaningful in the lives of people. Some industries such as arts and crafts silver jewelry or craft of making baskets knitting, embroidery was maintained.

As the official religion of Brunei is Islam people annually in Brunei so many festivals also take place. But mostly, but bold colors festival of the Muslim religion. Tours Brunei Empire travelers should pay attention to taboo issues as well as the limitations of Islam. Even people of Brunei are also subject to these regulations should and should not follow Islamic ideology


Ramadhan 04

In these countries, the Islamic month of Ramadhan is the major holidays and religious people of the country. In Brunei too, mix with the air to welcome Ramadhan festivals worldwide. Ramadhan holidays by astrologers in the country have the authority to decide. And while this organization every year is different. Feast

Ramadhan where there are similar operations. Often people call the fasting month of Ramadhan month or the month of fasting. On the day of the ceremony Ramadhan religious people will take time to operate fast. Throughout the duration of the festival, from morning to night people together fasting also other activities still occur normally. Ramadhan Festival is an opportunity descendant relatives near and far to gather together enough. So these days the public in Brunei also busy bustle. Late dinner of the family will be prepared enough pastries and fruit. It minimizes the use of meat and fresh foods during the day month of Ramadhan. Also during the month of Ramadhan to encourage people to do good deeds as wishes for the welfare of peace to everyone.

Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Hari Raya Aidilfitri 01

Hari Raya Aidilfitri month was held the day after the Muslim month of Ramadhan. Hari Raya Aidilfitri was held solemnly across the country Brunei. These Muslim Hari Raya Aidilfitri say May is their new year. Time festival Hari Raya Aidilfitri usually lasts up to 4 days. This is considered a traditional festival held every year from Brunei. During Hari Raya festival Aidilfitri activities are divided into specific implementation. The first day for the family. This day people focus on your house, eating and chatting happily. The second day is called the opening day. The second day, everyone can enjoy visiting friends. Which also prepared plenty of delicious traditional dishes guests. Also starting from the second day, the palace is open to Brunei citizens and tourists to visit.

His Majesty the Sultan's Birthday

His Majesty the Sultan's Birthday 02His Majesty the Sultan's Birthday is considered Brunei's National Day birthday reigning monarch. On the exact date of birth is often the Sultan. This is one of the most important events in the national calendar. On this, the kingdom will overrun many activities and festivals are held across the country. Start with a large volume of people praying in the country. May the King of the good and the luckiest. Often on this day the King for the royal opening in order to meet chat with people in the country, then at the palace of the king would have a ceremony held at the Istana Nurul Iman palace.

National Day

National Day 01Brunei often organize holidays like National Day of his country. Holidays are usually held fixed Kingdom on 23 May 02 each year. Each year, to celebrate the national holiday will be a festival with a special theme each year one each other. Holidays are days that the whole royalty of the kingdom to meet most of the population. People have the opportunity to participate in public activities as well as cultural events other entertainment. In particular, the whole kingdom will join an event that is held every year is the flag raising ceremony in the square of the capital. Or a ceremony known as Thanksgiving in the mosque Sultan Hj Omar Hj Saifuddien. This is seen as a traditional symbol of the people and the kingdom competition open for Bruneians icon.

Muslim country with many different rules are very particular point of focus of daily living of the people of Brunei. From the nature of Islamic culture Brunei people have some provisions for indigenous people as well as tourists lich.Cu natives never bathing by women on the road to cover the entire body, even male world nobody wears short shorts. Due to Brunei law prohibits the sale of alcohol and banning alcohol in public places, foreigners are allowed to bring in Brunei two wine bottles, 12 cans of beer and only drink in the hotel room. Locals crave alcohol could only drive into Malaysia drink drop frame and on but not be drunk or to have someone else drive protection. For the fun, entertainment closed after 21g30. Comfortable lifestyle familiar sure guests will find familiarity with the lifestyle prescribed in Brunei.

Brunei Cuisine

Cuisine of Brunei and Malaysia have much in not too different. However, on the menu as well as daily cuisines in Brunei people seem to eat more vegetables and fruits in the Malaysians. Easy to find food Brunei people often use a little taste of China, a little Thai, and a little Indonesian. However, Brunei's dishes have unique and distinctive than its Malaysian origin. According to researchers who Brunei have discerning taste and appetite is very strong. In Brunei providing a vast variety of different restaurants, from local restaurants to food stalls at night or the high-end luxury restaurant. All the dishes are interesting and was welcomed by local people and visitors from abroad.

Grilled Chicken

rotating station 01Grilled chicken dish Brunei people familiar Brunei kingdom. Grilled chicken meal with family or in the shops from luxury to budget. This dish is also often appear in the king's banquet for the guests. Usually chicken after being cleaned will be taken marinated with spicy characteristics. Although each chef has a different way but marinated grilled chicken to salinity through each piece of meat is satisfactory. Chicken is grilled over charcoal fire or electric oven with grill over high heat. Maybe grilled chicken processing into various dishes. Chicken after being grilled, visitors can request custom processing into food tastes. Grilled chicken served with vegetables and sauce characteristic.

Sautéed lamb

lamb stir 01In Brunei, visitors can easily enjoy lamb dishes. Because the majority of people follow Islam should thitt sheep food is quite popular here. Mutton is formulated into many delicious dishes appealing. Some lamb dishes such as roast lamb, lamb wine sauce, lamb stew vegetables ... Sautéed lamb dish is quite easy to eat dishes. You can use lamb sautéed and served with white rice or fresh noodles. Marinated lamb sauteed with vegetables, dish highly viscous, shiny.


grilled fish 02Grilled fish is a traditional dish, unique, delicious, nutritious very exotic to tourists visiting Brunei. Grilled fish is processed from fish that big, thick meat and fish more. Fish before baking them cleaned intestine and mud. After the fish is marinated with spices characteristic. How marinated fish is also the secret of the people of Brunei to separate fish taste more special. Grilled fish with sauce shared characteristic that mixing of each family are different. There are many ways of preparation with the food tastes better, there are some places, the chef still stuffed in the belly of the other categories. Because of this, the grilled fish dishes are locals and tourists to enjoy.

Grilled bread

banh bot toastScone is a popular dish of the people of Brunei. This dish is very tasty and quite tasty and easy to prepare. Cakes are made from a type of whole wheat. This powder was thick with sugar stir and pour into a hot cast iron skillet to fry up. There are plenty of flavor inside the cake. Depending on taste, but may choose to eat pastries or savory. Cakes baked after will be sprinkled on top sprinkled with nuts, eventually adding condensed milk. Cake aromatic characteristic odor of flour, milk smell of greasy and fleshy seeds.

Lamb fried noodles

lamb fried noodlesDish meals together in the people of Brunei. From lamb, Brunei citizens processed into delicious dishes. The rice noodles are boiling eggs lightly sauté until soft then be shared with marinated lamb was eating spicy taste of each person. Fried noodles are also many green vegetables. Lamb fried noodles are often cooked dish popular in the meal. Guests can also call ordinary or in the modern restaurant.

Tom Yum Soup

Canh TomYumTom Yum soup is a Thai soup, but also very popular in Brunei in particular and Southeast Asia in general. Tom Yum soup is cooked from chicken broth. Dishes with fresh shrimp is the main material. There are also other seasonings quite special as lemongrass, galangal, lemon, onions, tomatoes, ... Especially, Tom Yum soup, there are many kinds of mushrooms. Tom Yum soup highest requirements is to have a sour taste. Sour taste of the spices blend together the sweetness of the shrimp dish as tasty mushrooms.


DurianDurian in Brunei is quite strange, like jack fruit to dry smaller fruit like Cempedak. Eating durian in Brunei soft and very fragrant. Durian is a popular dish in Brunei. Durian is ancient dish for royalty Career in Brunei monarch. The durian fruit to fragrant, citrus enlargement is used for direct consumption. From durian, the people of Brunei are also dishes made from tasty durian pretty well as cakes, candies, or water.

Save Ambuyat

Ambuyat 02

Ambuyat dish made from sago palm. In Brunei Sago palms grow very much. Sago palms people use many different purposes. No part of palm trees discarded all. But palm body portion is in the limelight. Local people use the stem cell Brunei puree and brought it boiled in water for several hours. The more you cook it as comparable, in clear, opaque cloudy. This dish is called Ambuyat Brunei people. When ingested fork to get new ring rolling many Ambuyat. Ambuyat used with very fragrant peanut butter. Ambuyat will not eat no taste whatsoever. It's very pale. Ambuyat should be used when hot, when cold then Ambuyat become plastic. Many people use to lose weight because Ambuyat Ambuyat mostly water.

List of restaurants in Brunei as stopover for tourists traveling

Bandar Seri Begawan Area

Capital city with streets full of cars driving back and forth. But also not too difficult if tourists want to find a restaurant like that to enjoy the cuisine.

Ayamku Restaurant

Restuarant 02 AyamkuAddress: 147 Ground Floor, Jalan Pemancha, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

Price: $ 30

The restaurant has a fairly convenient location of the city of Bandar Seri Begawan. The restaurant area is located on the 1st floor location of the Grand Hotel, Brunei. The restaurant serves dishes prepared in Asian and European styles. Standards are a well known hotel. Food here is pretty good assessment. There are lots of families eating here Brunei weekend. The menu diversity. Many dishes suitable for children. Some dishes such as fried rice, fried fish, grilled chicken, ...

Phong Mun Restaurant

Address: 2nd floor Teck Guan Plaza Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei

Price: 15 USD - 20 USD

If you are looking for a version of KFC in the kingdom of Brunei try Phong Mun Restaurant. The restaurant specializes in serving fast food is quite famous of Brunei. Designing a modern restaurant. Suitable for active life and modern. The meal at Restaurant Phong Mun always satisfy tourists visit. Guests can use the meal of the day or just to use for fun with friends. Drinks here are also quite tasty, making meals more palatable, the restaurant space is quite comfortable.

Nyonya Restaurant

Address: No. 3, Ground Flr, BGN Hasbullah Satu, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

Price: 30 USD

Nyonya Restaurant is a popular restaurant in the city of Bandar Seri Begawan. The restaurant is modern design, spacious. Guests can just enjoy the delicious food in a cozy atmosphere, luxurious with family and friends. The menu introduces visitors to various dishes. Most notably, the dish is considered the specialty of Brunei. The dishes prepared by skilled chefs perform. With Western tourists who can also choose dishes cooked in western style as pastas and noodle dishes like Spaghetti fried seafood or beef, lamb ...

Ahan Thai Restaurant

Ahan Thai Restaurant 01Address: type 1 Ground Floor, Jubilee Plaza, Jalan Kianggeh, BS 8111 Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam

Prices: from 10 USD

The restaurant brings the family atmosphere, warm and friendly. These dishes are processed flavor typical of Thai cuisine. Guests can freely choose the favorite dishes suit your taste. The restaurant's cuisine made from the freshest foods quality. Food processing drinking water is also ingenious. Restaurants make sense right meal in the kitchen. Ahan Thai Restaurant staff very caring service and have the guide for tourists.


Address: 24 Blk. C. Yayasan Complex, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

Price: 25 USD

The name translated means that Zaika taste crystallization. And restaurant Zaika has incorporated it into the dish makes it quite impressive. Guests can enjoy Indian dishes creatively refined processing. Depending on the guests' tastes may require processors under traditional classic or modern, or a combination of both. Some favorite dishes nh: smoked salmon, chocolate silk ... Certainly Zaika restaurant will make guests feel comfortable not only with the dishes, but also quite beautiful location. Zaika large buildings have high ceilings and architectural windows premium. The sumptuous furnishings, luxurious quite beautifully decorated.

Takara Restaurant

Address: 95, Jalan Pemancha, Bandar Seri Begawan, BS8811, Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Price: 18 USD

Takara Restaurant offers traditional cuisine Brunei. With many interesting dishes made from foods lamb, pork, and beef and seafood. Takara committed staff serving high quality foods on the market. The food was different processing. These dishes with traditional flavor by professional chefs perform. The drinks are also quite interesting restaurant is prepared from the fresh fruit laoi5. Come enjoy delicious cuisine in a casual atmosphere, and comfortable with excellent service.

Kuala Belait

The city has plenty of restaurants and cafes within days of the shopping center, or near places of entertainment.

Serikandi Cafe & Restaurant

Address: Lot 4004, Jalan Setia Diraja, Kuala Belait

Price: 12 USD

As the official restaurant for all Liverpool supporters in the kingdom of Brunei. Every day, the restaurant serves dishes for the meal of the day. The menu of dishes prepared by chefs progress made. Guests can enjoy dining in the intimate ambience of every football enthusiast. In addition to the dishes served there are all kinds of beer, other soft drinks. Tourists and locals visit the shop and dine quite crowded on weekends.

Deanna Restaurant

Address: 23, Spg 13, Bangunan Setia Jaya Berakas Square Jalan Brunei

Price: from 10 USD

Restaurants serving affordable cuisine flavor characteristic of Islamic kingdom. The simple dish gently from the freshest raw materials. The menu varies. In addition to the dish made from lamb, beef, then Deanna Restaurant also includes seafood dishes. The menu of drinks plentiful restaurants for guests to choose from, the smoothies made with fresh fruit always make meals more palatable travelers

Misato Japanese Restaurant

Address: Block D, Unit 5, Ground Floor, Lot 42 876, Shakirin Complex, Simpang 88, Kiulap, Kuala Belait, Brunei Darussalam

Price: 18 USD

Misato Japanese Restaurant is a restaurant-style Japanese locals as well as tourists visiting Brunei favorite. The menu is rich with traditional dishes tasty Japanese food culture. Some typical dishes that visitors can enjoy here, such as sushi, tempura, ship, green tea and wasabi oil. Japanese cooking and processing, as well as decorative furnished very impressive dish. Guests will enjoy the dishes prepared in the shape of volcanic or river. Dishes not only taste but also very beautiful decoration.

Pondok Sari Wangi Sdn Bhd

Address: 12 & 13, Jalan Tutong, Kg.Sengkuron, Kuala Belait, Brunei Darussalam

Price: from 10 USD

The restaurant specializes in serving fast food with affordable dishes flavored cuisine Brunei. These dishes simple and quick, as Fried rice and fried noodles. The restaurant is a familiar address people as well as local tourists. With a large and airy space, guests can comfortably enjoy delectable cuisine. The price of the restaurant is quite affordable suit travel expenses of tourists visit the beautiful kingdom of Brunei.

Restaurant & Catering Aroidee

Address: B1, B, Grd Floor Home Building Centre, Tanjong Bunut, Jln Tutong, Belait Kuala, Brunei Darussalam

Price: 25 USD

The restaurant specializes in fresh seafood dishes quite tasty and fancy. Guests can select their meal foods fresh longer. At the restaurant, the famous kitchen liable should the food processing is very attractive and impressive for visitors. Guests can request restaurant matching processing of personal differentiable. Restaurant & Catering Aroidee pretty crowded on the weekends, the restaurant space feels comfortable to dine in the restaurant.

Brunei - Muara

Known as the port city of the beautiful kingdom of Brunei. Restaurants eateries in town always impressed visitors from the food processed from fresh seafood.

Jin Chiew Kopitiam

Address: Lot 36 204, Jalan Pertanian Luahan Bg312, Brunei - Muara, Brunei

Price: 22 USD

Guests never be deemed to have actually visited the kingdom of Brunei if not dine at the restaurant Jim Chiew Kopitiam. Restaurant so popular not only good food, tasty that even the very good service. The menu varies with dishes made from fresh raw materials. No specialized in a certain culinary culture. Visit Jim Chiew dine at Kopitiam guests can comfortably enjoy dishes Eurasian style, or you can select all the dishes specializing in seafood, barbeque ... The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, evening as well as coffee or tea. Whether any meal, Jim Chiew Kopitiam also left for guests, offering a professional and perfect quality of each dish, drink.

Kimchi Restaurant

Address: Lot 45 328, Simpang 88, Brunei - Muara, Brunei

Price: 20 USD

Korean food is uncommon in Brunei. However, the Korean dishes are also welcome here. Kimchi Restaurant is located in the heart of Brunei - Muara. Restaurant design is elegant, quite modern. Spaces elegant restaurant, cozy. Typical dish of the restaurant is the barbecue. So, after a meal at a restaurant, make sure tourists out of the restaurant not from lingering taste in clothes. The restaurant has the typical appetizer dishes like Korean kimchi soup and very tasty. Some dishes from seafood processing is also quite interesting option for visitors.

House of Curry

Address: Roti canai, Roti Prata or Murtabak

Price: 19 USD

Restaurant House of Curry-style restaurant is quite strange in Brunei. Guests will feel this as the opportunity to enjoy the food here. In the luxurious surroundings, the cozy restaurant atmosphere created impressive meal. Guests like to be dining in the family with all the warmth and intimacy. The menu is also very special. Also quite interesting dishes typical restaurant also offers new features in Brunei cuisine from traditional dishes such as rice dishes, or lamb, beef ...

Shabu Shabu Bar & Cafe Ice

Shabu Shabu Bar & Cafe Ice 01Address: No. 3, Ground Flr. Satu Hasbullah BGN. Gadong

Price: 25 USD

Icebar & Cafe is a new restaurant in town appeared Brunei - Muara. The restaurant serves dishes from as well as side dishes. Characterized by restaurants combined with coffee as well as a small bar form. Icebar & Café is the place of entertainment rather funky rhythm filthy. Guests can visit Icebar & Café to enjoy drinks or they may choose for themselves the fast food of the restaurant is quite popular. These dishes with Asian and European style cuisine as well as own choices Brunei is also quite interesting for visitors.

Shikkai Restaurant

Address: Lot 529, Ground Floor, Pelita Commercial Centre,

Price: 28 USD

Shikkai Restaurant is proud to be one of the famous restaurant with the best roast duck dishes and the best in Brunei. And the best thing is that it is affordable. So everyone in Brunei or Brunei tourists visit can also enjoy the famous roast duck Shikkai Restaurant. The restaurant has a simple design but modern and spacious. With good quality service, restaurant address many known people of Brunei. The menu is roast duck restaurant in addition there are many other dishes are also very tasty processing. With duck grilled meats, spicy marinated with a barbecue sauce and comes will make visitors remember a trip to dine at Shikkai Restaurant.

Seria - Belait

Small town in the big cities of Brunei. Restaurants in Seria - Belait characterized by intimacy, warmth. Tasty dishes, affordable suit the user's taste.

Taiwanese Restaurants

Taiwanese Restaurants 01Address: Qlap Area, Seria, Brunei

Price: 20 USD

Taiwanese Restaurants bearing the name of Korea but the restaurant serves dishes with bold colors Brunei culture. The popular dish but are often used in everyday meals. The restaurant has many dishes made from lamb, beef, chicken and vegetables with fruit. Restaurant space is quite modern and airy. So a meal guests will very much more comfortable. Guests can use more types of fruit beverage concocted quite tasty Taiwanese restaurant in Restaurants.

RMS Portview

Address: Lot 36 204, Jalan Pertanian Luahan Bg312, Seria - Belait, Brunei

Price: 25 USD

RMS Portview restaurant organizes seafood buffet is quite interesting. The food is prepared hot. Reviewed is absolutely delicious and is a healthy choice with reasonable costs should RMS Portview to dine always crowded on weekends. Coming RMS Portview is not just about food but also the service and luxurious space, warm the restaurant make up for visiting RMS Portview cuisine. After a meal guests can visit the restaurant or on site with the cool miniatures relaxed atmosphere.

Gerai Makan

Address: 7, Jalan Gadong Ph.2456447, Seria - Belait, Brunei

Price: 10 USD

Gerai Makan Restaurant quite beautiful views located right on the waterfront. Gerai Makan is the address where the locals frequent. Just as with tourists visiting Brunei are also often seek to use the meal. The restaurant has a fairly well-known chefs standing food processing kitchen. With rich restaurant menu so visitors will have plenty of options for their meals. Guests will have the opportunity to enjoy dishes imbued with the identity of Brunei traditional cuisine.

Shopping Guide

Brunei is the kingdom does not stand out with the craft industry as well as fine art. However, to Brunei visitors can also stroll to visit the bustling shopping center of the city. Depending on the characteristics of each region tours where visitors can stop to visit the business center or the market purchase affordable bold nature of daily life activities of the people of Brunei. At the market with daily trading activities, visitors can easily see the canvas is displayed on some people wide. Any items can also display means on which to purchase. For other items, such as vegetables, foods everyday people have a very strange form of trafficking. All measures are presented on small plates, and which is also the price, sometimes a plate of sweet potato or potato discs but not always placed more discs, the discs have only one bulb or a fruit what.

At the business center are located in combination with the hotel or restaurant famous or built separately. Commercial Center of Brunei also sold items of famous brand names. Visitors can find here the famous popular items but perhaps the amount of goods and design are not abundant and diverse in other places.

Bandar Seri Begawan

Kingdom Centre is home to the busiest commercial centers, not only attracting local visitors to the shopping center which also attracts many tourists visit.

Yayasan SHHB Complex

Yayasan SHHB Complex 02Yayasan SHHB Complex is the commercial center of Brunei is quite modern. Center located in the center of the capital, Bandar Seri Begawan. With a modern design building, the center has many ways up and down as well as shops selling many kinds of goods as well as consumer products. In the shopping center Yayasan SHHB Complex also sell items territories senior famous brands of Brunei or overseas. Security systems and parking systems, vehicles of Yayasan SHHB Complex pretty good. Every day pretty much welcome center visitors shopping. Center is open from 6.00am and served until the end of the day.

Wisma Jaya Complex

Wisma Jaya Complex 01Wisma Jaya Complex is famous commercial center of the city, there are plenty of department stores as well as amusement parks and the sale of souvenirs beautifully decorated along the aisles. According to the assessment center architecturally rich with parking for guests and residences with a wide array of shops around. The goods sold are mainly clothing apparel available. The fashion label cosmetics and cosmetics for women. In addition, the center also divide some separate area for items such as food, dining, and entertainment.

Princess Inn Department Store

Princess Inn Department Store 01Princess Inn Department Store color spill of foods from consumer goods to domestic goods. Goods of Princess Inn Department Store quite neatly furnished in stores located along the aisles. Inside Princess Inn Department Store also features a customized local dishes ready. Specifically, Princess Inn Department Store sells plenty of fruits and vegetables fresh. Visitors can buy food or buy as a gift for perishable fruits.

Kota Mutiara Department Store

Kota Mutiara Department Store 01Kota Mutiara Department Store as forms of market activity. But the point is interesting Kota Mutiara Department Store is only active when night falls. Guests can find themselves being the commodity is quite special here. The fashion merchandise, consumables ... sold throughout the aisles. Like many other shopping complexes, in Kota Mutiara Department Store division of the area also purchase different kinds of items. Especially specialized materials area made the dish quite tasty street food with affordable prices.

Tamu Kianggeh

Tamu Kianggeh 05Tamu means the market is on the waterfront and Kianggeh Kianggeh, where guests will find a number of local products, in which visitors can find herbs and local delicacies. These items will be arts and crafts vendors selling introduce detailed and quite cheaply. Everything bought food is usually decorated, small press knife, and local food as cincin Kueh and Jala. Tamu Kianggeh open from early morning until late evening. The night food stalls sold along the aisles. In a convenient position Tamu Kianggeh attracted curious attention of many visitors. The weekends are usually the days that Tamu Kianggeh welcomed many guests to visit most.

Sumbangsih Mulia

Sumbangsih MuliaThe building is named Sumbangsih Mulia situated at Plot 77, Beribi center Bandar Seri Begawan. Modern trade center was built with the aim to support small and medium-sized traders and people shopping. The center, located in a pretty broad ground with modern buildings designed neat. A total of 35 booths upstairs with many items are sold as fine art crafts, clothing ... There are 122 booths outside the building, transportation to food vendors and vegetables to serve foods, beverages and vegetables.

Plaza Athirah

Plaza Athirah 03Athirah Plaza is located in Seri, which is considered quite complex downtown. Visitors can find a wide range of imported silk fabrics with multiple models for guests to choose from. Athirah Plaza also has many other items available, such as clothing apparel, jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics for women. Athirah Plaza also includes amusement parks combined with plentiful food area and signature. Center Plaza was built Athirah perfect pretty convenient to shopping and entertainment.

Sunju Enterprise

Sunju Enterprise 01Guests visiting Sunju Enterprise can buy many different kinds of goods. In Sunju Enterprise has many items from crafts to consumer goods, electronics ... Here visitors can buy souvenirs such as T-shirts, fine handicrafts or bookmark quite toxic originality, impressive ... to give as gifts relatives, family and friends. Prices of Sunju Enterprise also quite suitable for travelers. However travelers should also be careful to ask the price before purchase.

Kuala Belait

Kuala Belait city is a priority to build a modern shopping center. Locals often shopping at the end of the year or the holidays are very busy.

Soon Lee Megamart

Soon Lee Megamart 01Partly Soon Lee Mega Mart aluminum roof in Lorong Tiga building in Kuala Belait Pasar always make people pay attention. This commercial center every day to welcome large number of visitors to visit the shop. With a modern design, spacious center has an underground parking lot and a shopping district with many booths. Soon Lee Megamart Inside guests drop the effort to visit and choose for themselves the suitable gift. These items are usually procured many apparel available clothes, haute couture, jewelry and cosmetics for women. The center also serves the souvenir booth for guests traveling with handicraft products, or quite sophisticated fabrics.

The Mall

The Mall 03Mall is the largest shopping center in Brunei. The center is the model mix of commercial centers and amusement parks as well as modern luxury dining, the overall design of the Mall harmonious, with basement parking and a spacious parking lot, walkways the escalators and always active. The booths inside the trade center plentiful in variety and color. Being relatively large center, Mall of food supply for the people in the city as well as items of daily living. The Mall is a popular worthy of locals and foreigners for shopping and entertainment in Brunei familiar.

Muara -Brunei

With its convenient location right port city of Brunei Muara -Brunei had several commercial centers serve the shopping needs of locals and visitors alike to visit Brunei.

Tiong Hin Superstore

Tiong Hin Superstore shopping addresses of the people familiar city -Brunei Muara. The booths here layout is quite convenient for sightseeing and shopping. Central diverse items as well as consumer activity from budget to luxury. In particular, the center often organizes promotions mistaken support for consumers. Often these promotions took place last year. Gifts are gifts of cash value is high. If you have visited Brunei last day tourists visit Tiong Hin Superstore try his luck.

Hua Ho Department Store

Hua Ho Department Store 01Department Store is a system of individual or his commercial centers Sultan. Chinese five more stores in other parts of the Southeast Asian region. In Brunei, the new Department Store was built in 2006. The system stores Department Store is appreciated for the quality and service quality. There are plenty of shops furnished inside the Department Store. From small shops to the exclusive store shoppers can choose from a wide variety of local goods and international brands at competitive prices.

Milimewah Department Store

Milimewah Department Store 02Milimewah Department Store business center is quite modern. With over 150 stores throughout the center are decorated. Milimewah Department Store is a shopping and entertainment to people of Brunei on the weekend. Goods diversified with many designs as well as types. Each separate area is decorated in a commodity ... Especially, electronic products in Milimewah Department Store is a high quality assessment. Milimewah Department Store is always up to date with the latest models of electronic brands familiar to consumers.

Seria - Belait

Commercial center of the city of Seria is a lot of local people visit the shopping and sightseeing in the special feast of the kingdom as well as the holidays of the year.

Seria Plaza

Seria Plaza 2The largest shopping center in the Plaza Seria Seria. Built in the style that combines shopping center combines advanced entertainment venue Plaza Seria was pretty much welcome tourists to visit and shop. Shopping area with the labels of famous brands. The center has a lot of merchandise, such as clothing fashion, jewelry and women, shoes, handbags with high quality. Seria Plaza store Game area, CD / DVD types. The entertainment in Plaza Seria mostly senior games. Seria Plaza also offers high-quality cinema with new films.

scarfVisit Brunei visitors can buy souvenirs as gifts to relatives or friends. Because Brunei is a country brought bold Islamic culture with the provisions for women Brunei. Guests can choose to buy the handicrafts like embroidered handkerchief, embroidered baskets rather fancy patterns ... Or can buy the small icon on the church in the Islamic kingdom of Brunei. These freebies are usually easily purchased at the mall or at the attractions. Also some crafts items made of wood, stone and more popular with visitors.

Have to go

Brunei though small in terrain but also plenty of interesting places to visit this kingdom. Guests will have the opportunity to visit the temple dedicated to Islam and may experience life firsthand chime of imperial rank in Brunei

Bandar Seri Begawa

Brunei capital is not only highlighted by the development of economic and political, to visit the capital, tourists will be visiting many attractions of the royal family dwelling relatives.

Kampong Ayer Floating Village

Kampong Ayer Floating Village 02

Capital famous Brunei Kampong Ayer attractions. This floating village become an indispensable part of daily life activities of the people here. Brunei to visit certain tourist should visit Kampong Ayer is new proof that the country has the last visit Brunei. Kampong Ayer floating villages with less expansive area approximately 10 km 2 . Score this impressive area is all above water. According to statistics, about 30 thousand people living in Kampong Ayer and is divided into 42 different villages. Whether operating on the water but the architecture here is also very robust and handy. Villagers in Kampong Ayer living as people living on the coast. The people of Brunei are very proud of the location of Kampong Ayer. Kampong Ayer village still maintains many traditional handicrafts.

Royal Regalia

Royal Regalia 02

Royal Regalia is one provision of the king of Brunei Muslim. Like many other palaces, Royal Regalia is where the king conducted most political activities as well as cultural. Royal Regalia has impressive architecture, was designed according to the architectural elegance of ancient kings. Royal Regalia overview splendid design. Inside offers very elegant design. These items use design are made of gold or silver. Decorative motifs are used as traditional motifs are exquisitely artisan and meticulous.

Hotel Empire

The Empire Hotel and Country Club, Brunei 03

Empire former royal palace Brunei. The architecture of the Empire always makes prominent buildings although travelers anywhere in the city. Today the palace is used as a high-class hotel in Brunei. Tourists visiting Brunei must be introduced to the court's most upscale hotel of Brunei. Hotel Empire. This hotel of international standards of luxury hotels worldwide. Leveraging the old architecture of the palace hotel looked like the noble luxurious castle. In the hotel guests Empire will be served quite professional services. In addition to luxury guest rooms equipped with amenities. Guests also can use other services such as amusement parks, luxury resorts. Empire are many travel magazine rated as the best hotel in the world.

Jame Asr Hassanil Mosque Bolikah

Jame Asr Mosque Bolkiah 02Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque Jame'Asr the Brunei Islamic fashion. The church was built to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Sultan of Brunei. Guests will be impressed by the intricate architecture of the Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque Jame'Asr. Being the largest mosque in Brunei, visitors will see the gilded dome of the mosque from afar. But even if the guests are not allowed to enter the mosque, then visitors can also watch the brilliant architecture from outside. On other days of the week mainly Sunday to Wednesday, Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque Jame'Asr still open for all guests to visit. Time from 08: 00-12: 00, 2: 00-03: 00 and 05: 00-06: 00. Guests will surely love the scenes of Mosque include shops and tourist attractions.

Royal Regalia Museum

Royal Regalia Museum 05

In Brunei number of palaces built for the dynasty was plenty. So to preserve the architecture of the palace as well as items used daily to keep Brunei prince has dedicated a museum to store his belongings. The lives of the ancient kings as well as leisure dei6u2 attract many visitors and residents to visit. Royal Regalia Museum is the only museum in Brunei made from old palace of kings. Visit the museum visitors can fully recognize the monarch life and can see the architecture as well as items used in royal. The museum is open every day to welcome guests.

Kuala Belait

Visit the city of Kuala Belait visitors will have the opportunity to discover some interesting places. The royal palace dedicated to home is always interesting places of the city.

Hassanil Bolkiah

Hassanil Bolkiah 01Hassanil Bolkiah church inaugurated in 1994 with a total construction cost of up to $ 200 million. Hassanil Bolkiah - Brunei greatest church domes topped gilt, is considered the most sacred places of this country. Cathedral Jame 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah was built in 1988 in commemoration of the day to the throne of King Haji Hassanal Bolkiah. This is the largest temple and the kingdom's most spectacular. People under frequents the temple to pray or perform religious rites important ceremony. Church also often open their doors to visitors on weekdays.

Istana Nurul Iman palace

Istana Nurul Iman 01

Nurul Iman Istana palace Brunei gives people pride with friends all over the world. The location of the palace and the palace gives an excellent value with many interesting things. The palace is located on the waterfront in the bottom Brunei so beautiful scenery. Istana Nurul Iman palace architecture with traditional Brunei. The name of the palace also has spiritual significance in everyday life. Istana Nurul Iman in Arabic means the light of faith in their lives. The palace is now used as offices activities of state institutions. But visitors can still visit daily.

Sultan Palace

Sultan Palace 03

Sultan Palace is not the palace used to perform political activities that it is only used for recreational activities or pleasure to the palace. Visit Sultan Palace to see that there are religious realm Career Services lavish entertainment and extremely luxurious. Within the very harmonious scene of entertainment services here always makes people feel comfortable. Sultan Palace is divided into different zones into each area to provide a service different entertainment. Also at Sultan Palace guests can also attend the party up to thousands of participants.

Omar Ali Mosque Saifudien

Omar Ali Mosque Saifudien 01Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is a royal mosque of the Sultanate of Brunei. This mosque has been identified as one of the greatest mosques in Asia Pacific and a major tourist attraction in the whole kingdom of Brunei. Named after the Sultan of Brunei 28, the mosque, which was seen as a symbol of Islamic faith in Brunei. The building was completed in 1958 and is a dramatic demonstration of modern Islamic architecture. The architecture of the church has affected the style of both the Muslim and the Italians. Designed by an Italian architect, the mosque was built on an artificial lagoon near the Brunei river bank. Mosque Sultan Omar Ali Saiffuddin built include marble and gold dome with garden with many fountains.

Muara -Brunei

The city is famous for the fresh atmosphere gives residents and tourists alike visit. These monuments or attractions leafy guests always do.

Ulu Temburong National Park

Ulu Temburong 02

There are many tours to Brunei with tours Ulu Temburong National Park. Much has been rated good to excellent tour of this. Tours Ulu Temburong National Park is particularly suitable for those who love exploring the beautiful nature. On the Ulu Temburong National Park with its fauna and flora is diverse. Originally a large forest complex lonm should be planned to Ulu Temburong National Park. This park is considered one of the park has a wide area as well as the park also natural scenery magnificent ranks. Mountain river scenes of Ulu Temburong National Park always satisfy tourists to visit.

Tomb Thursday - Temple Ali Saifuddien

Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque 01

Ali Saifuddien Temple is the perfect combination of old architectural monuments of Brunei with Italian palace architecture of the West. The main focus of this combination has brought the Temple Ali Saifuddien a modern beauty. The overall architecture of the Temple Ali Saifuddien exudes lavish luxury. The church has a huge dome with inlaid marble exterior. The interior of the temple Ali Saifuddien made from good materials from precious woods. Especially all the space inside are carpeted elegance. Today Ali Saifuddien Temple is also equipped with both elevators. Temple Ali Saifuddien was iconic model of temple architecture in Brunei.

Park Jerudong

Jerudong Park 02

In Brunei attaches importance to the conservation of works of nature especially the nature park. One of the park is proud to be who Brunei Jerudong Park. As the park combines recreational areas most modern in Southeast Asia. Means to go to visit the Jerudong Park is also quite convenient. Guests can take the bus or car are very convenient. In addition to visiting the park with many animals and plants in the Park Jerudong there are also plenty of entertainment zones currently dai.Trong park also offers dining booths for visitors. Everyday Park Jerudong welcome thousands of visitors.

Seria - Belait

City Seria - Brunei Belait welcome guests by the gravitational attractions. Having visited the kingdom of Brunei tourists do not visit the city familiar with the prominent landmark.

Malay Technology Museum - Museum Technician

Malay Technology Museum 01Malay Technology Museum is located next to the Museum of Brunei. The museum was built to celebrate the independence of Brunei Darussalam in 1984. The museum has officially operated as a public service and on 29 February 1988. The rapid development of modern technology in Brunei Darussalam has making Malay Technology Museum is to interesting places of the public love technology. Visit the museum visitors can also choose to buy yourself the famous technology products.

Jame Asr Mosque Bolkiah

Jame Asr Mosque Bolkiah 02Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque Jame'Asr known as Kiarong Mosque of Brunei. It was built to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the reign of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah's. Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque Jame'Asr of Brunei is the story of the Brunei royal dynasty. Meant as a place to remember but Jame'Asr Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque has a quite unique architecture with bold architecture of Brunei. The interior of the mosque combines with artistic touches places of religious significance of Islam. Tourists from Brunei Bolkiah Mosque Hassanil Jame'Asr visit will witness the grandeur of this place.