Hong Kong : Asian Jewel

Not to take the West you can see the city with skyscrapers, roads with multiple lanes, nor go far discovered the beauty of the Chinese culture method characterized East. Just a few hours flight, you can go to Hong Kong - a rare harmony and perfection of two cultures East - West.
Located in the north of China next to the Shenzhen River is famous for poems Road, Hong Kong consists of 262 different islands which are large and most famous islands such as Hong Kong Island, Lantau , Kowloon, the New Territories ... Hong Kong was once a British colony 100 years and was returned to China in 1997, but today still by the Hong Kong authorities to manage the policies that are considered liberal and progress in the world. Under the management of the UK, Hong Kong's economic development and rapidly became one of the biggest economy, a world-class modern. That explains why Hong Kong is like "Jewel of Asia" - the pride of Hong Kong - China in particular and Asia in general throughout.
Ownership Hong Kong International Airport is a desire of any one country, the 2nd largest and modern world, every day welcomes millions of international visitors, is the gateway to East Asia to Southeast Asia . Besides transportation network developed with the participation of both the State and private sector to make the quality and quantity of traffic services can not impeccable. It deserves as one of the "capital" of the world's cuisine, rich and diverse not only in terms of quality and quantity of dishes from the East - West - Kim - Ages and one thing is sure that Hong Kong will satisfy even the most discerning diners. And one more reason for those who have passion for shopping and for those who ... do not have this passion that is Hong Kong is known as "shopping paradise" - where any thing can on this earth, the Hong Kong always have to sell.

Hong Kong Island

general introduction to Hong Kong hong kong 180x180Located in the south and is the economic center of the most important politicians of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island has the largest population and the most prosperous development. Not only famous for skyscrapers as Financial Center II, Central Plaza ... Hong Kong is known as a city with natural landscapes attractive Asian juggernaut as mountaintop The Peak - roof city ​​of Hong Kong, rowing up the mountain you can see the entire city of Hong Kong, and Victory Bay - where no words that can describe your feelings when you first set foot there.


About Us Our Hong Kong Kowloon 180x180If Hong Kong Island known as a "bank of Asia", the Mekong is known as "shopping paradise" - where you can buy anything from the well-known fashion world Gucci, Nike ... until things cheap clothes unbranded Chinese from a computer thousands of dollars to the board table, "made in China" at just a few dollars. Some people say "shopping literally no other place outside of Hong Kong Kowloon."

New Territories Island

About Us Our knives 180x180 Hong Kong New TerritoriesAs one of four major centers of Hong Kong, New Territories Islands each day are molting and growing, with the highways connecting the islands center, subway system, international airport project, system of seaports, shopping centers ... are coming up every day. With terrain mostly low hills and countryside immense greenery combined with the ancient temples will certainly have a lot to explore a different beauty of Hong Kong.

Lantau Island

ABOUT SoICT 180x180 first time Hong KongAs Hong Kong's largest island, with an area of ​​mostly hilly Lantau retains many features wild nature with vast forest green tree, with the eco-park size and stature. Lantau is such as Hong Kong's green lung. Also Lantau also has monuments like temples with well-known tourist resort and most attractive of Hong Kong. Especially with the giant Buddha statue sits atop the magnificent mountain will be a fascinating sights.

Culture Hong Kong

Hong Kong is known as the land of freedom, the most liberal economies in the world, the laws and policies of the government, then the ventilation is not somewhere in the world match. But behind her liberty hidden deep in the Hong Kong people always have a principle, a standard bold Hoa.Van culture Middle East and - West mix, blend to create a new culture medium both strange and familiar with everyone, both in the East and the West except the people of Hong Kong.

History of Hong Kong

hong kong Hong Kong Cultural 180x180 politicanHong Kong officially the territory of China in the Qin Dynasty, but must wait until the new Hong Kong Tang Dynasty actually grow and become a bustling port and a world-class scale, a naval base strategic Chinese. In 1887 after the "Opium War" Qing government was forced to offer British colonial Hong Kong to agreements made with the territory. Under the British regime, Hong Kong has been developing rapidly in all aspects of social life such as economics, politics, culture, religion ... and become one of the most liberal land gender.
1997 Hong Kong was returned to China after 100 years of hand as far as the provisions of the treaty, to become special economic zone of China but Hong Kong still has a strong autonomy, there are policies and its own rules .

Hongkong movies

hong kong movie Infernal Hong Kong Cultural 180x180Not only known for the largest financial center in Asia, Hong Kong people can not watermark pride at the mention of the movie industry. Hong Kong is one of the leading cinema center just behind the Hollywood world of American and Indian Bolywood. Referring to the Hong Kong film people often think of the movie "black society" as: Infernal, Black society, martial arts movie: Kungfu Hustle, Shaolin Soccer or the martial arts comedy film Chow's humor, Jackie ...

Buddhism in Hong Kong

pagoda hongkong Hong Kong Cultural 180x180Religious freedom is one of the reasons why Hong Kong has many such cults: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism ... but above all Buddhist remains. In Hong Kong there are about 6 million Buddhists account for about 90% of the population. One of the tourist attractions of Hong Kong is a strategic system of ancient temples with unique architecture. In Hong Kong Buddhist allowed to participate in a lot of social activities such as schools, hospitals, establishment of charitable funds ... Overall Hong Kong is one area where Buddhism developed and activities Second most vibrant Asian region.

The Hong Kong

Hong Kong Hong Kong Cultural 180x180A former British colony Hong Kong 100 years but people still deeply imbued with the culture of Asians. Therefore, communication as well as the people living in Hong Kong is not much different from our Vietnamese people. However, there are some points to note when traveling Hong Kong:
When dining in restaurants or cafes, not to knock chopsticks to bowl because Hong Kong only new beggar do so.
The Hong Kong and the Chinese are very taboo 4 so do not mention that the real number is not necessary because the number 4 is often related to death and burial.
Hong Kong is one of the country's culture of openness and comfort of the world so we do not need to worry about communication problems in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Cuisine

Hong Kong Cuisine 180x180 hongkongfood2008
Chinese cuisine is famous for many generations with royal dishes colorful and nutrient rich Western cuisine and charming novelties are all converging, blended together to create a "defense gastronomy "- Hong Kong. Only a mere 6 million people, but as long as Hong Kong has about 12,000 restaurants and small eateries thousands sidewalk and smoking in deep winding alleys. A closely blocks the restaurant diner chic, laid flowers to the tourists a lot of money, back row there are all sorts of Western Bistro, Boats for guests less money. A party full of fast-food restaurants like Mc Dolnal, KFC ..., across the street is the restaurant is designed like royal with Dimsum basket steaming, customers sit enjoying a relaxed mood disengaged in melodies over a cup of steaming tea combined with the attentive service of the Chinese girl wearing cheongsam charming. The food in Hong Kong is very nutritious if conditions do not forget to enjoy dishes such as oats, abalone, shark fin ... If you have the opportunity to Hong Kong just once to experience the culinary culture here , certainly you will desire to be there again.


180x180 dimsum Hong Kong CuisineDimsum is the oldest traditional dishes from China, with a total of around 100 different dishes made mainly from ingredients rice flour, wheat flour ... and all kinds of meat, seafood workers absorbed by the bamboo basket as: Did puller, shumai, char siu buns, bread chives, some fried foods such as fried taro cake, fried salmon cake puller ... Most Dimsum dishes served with chili sauce and a sauce Sour called "seafood sauce". Today Dimsum renowned throughout the world and become a symbolic dish for Chinese cuisine as well as Vietnam's Pho so.

Abalone, shark fin, oats

How stupid 180x180 Hong Kong CuisineBesides Dimsum, Chinese cuisine is also known for nutritious food is often only days before the emperor used as: abalone, shark's fin, bird nests. Referring to nutritious food can not not mention the item "Buddha jumps the wall" - the essence of heaven and earth: put all the stuff most nutritious as abalone and shark, oats, black chicken, ginseng ... on a jar lid open pit for 8 hours and ... no words can describe that feeling.
Also abalone stew with spices may or porridge is also very tasty, the soup of fish, oats, you can cook many dishes nest soup or tea rather than oats; dishes that are also delicious and nutritious.
Here is the address of a restaurant "a voice" in the Hong Kong tourists can visit and enjoy the food "is Hong Kong" with many different price levels are high, medium and low price more also.

Hong Kong Island

If Hong Kong is known as "culinary capital", the Hong Kong Island is the center of the "capital" thing. If you want to explore the cuisine of many countries around the world, Hong Kong Island is an option not be more appropriate. With systems for hotels, luxurious restaurants selling all kinds of food Europe, Asia, Africa, America ...

Restaurants Cococabana

Hong Kong Cuisine 180x180 cococabanaAddress: Upper G / F, Building Beach, Deep Water Bay, Island Road.
Located on the banks of the bay in Victory, was designed with open space to sit in the restaurant but still hear the waves whispering, still enjoy the taste of the sea as if you were sitting between the mighty ocean and Enjoy fresh seafood dishes by the Hong Kong chefs processing. The average price for a meal at around 200 HKD (about 25 USD)

Jumbo Floating Restaurant

Hong Kong Cuisine jumbo 180x180Many people still say "no eating at Jumbo Floating Restaurant is not to Hong Kong". Launched in 1976, this place welcomes millions of visitors each including Queen Elizabeth II and many music stars as well as the world-famous film. Located on the ship still floating in the middle of the Strait of guests to Aberdeen harbor small boat about 10 minutes to get Jumbo - one of the largest central Asian cuisine. In This primarily sells traditional dishes of China like: Dimsum, soup, seafood dishes ... and especially the Peking duck unequaled.

Jardine's Bazaar Market

Market Jardine's Bazaar is located just behind the Causeway Bay is a culinary paradise for those who love food with dozens of stalls and small restaurant serves a variety of dishes from soup to the pot dishes ... from dawn until late at night. Prices here are also quite affordable eating a meal full of about 25 HKD (about 50 thousand)


You want to enjoy the party in the restaurant that day, the sun and wind inshore cage was night, the full moon shimmering with stars? Come Kowloon!

Oyster and Wine Bar Restaurant

Address: 20 Nathan Road Kowloon
Designed with a natural scenery of the romantic view of the bay Victory, the distance is the green grass blowing in the wind brought the smell of grass mixed with the smell of wine is very suitable for the occasion honeymoon or go the lover. The average price for a 200 HK dollars (about 25 US dollars)

Best Noodle Restaurant

best print noodle restaurant Hong Kong Cuisine 180x180 hkAddress: 105 Austin Rd., Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
A small restaurant which sells many of the favorite foods in particular Shanghai noodles char siu. Here people do not appreciate the decoration shop but instead focus on the quality of the cuisine. Do not be surprised to see some usual customers stand to eat because the restaurant is always packed especially on weekends. Prices here are quite affordable around 2-3 dollars for a dish so you can enjoy the comfort of the dishes here.

New Territories

Compared with Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the restaurant diner in the New Territories sell cheaper food, flavor more Chinese. Because here the food stalls catering mainly for local guests. Prices are relatively comfortable about 1-2 dollars for a dish. You are spoiled for dining delight offline. Besides that here you are also very easy to find the restaurant, other luxury hotels.

Lantau Island

Just as the New Territories, tourists looking to Lantau wishing to enjoy cheap food culture. With a variety of food from Guangzhou, Fujian and the food is full of Sichuan spices ... extensive menu both food and language, on the menu you do not surprised with everything Japanese, English France ... even have Turkish.
The diner concentrated mainly in Discovery Bay, steps from here you really will be overwhelmed by the number of restaurants and eateries. Prices from worry only equivalent to the price at Ben Thanh market only and is open from early morning to late night bar is still open.

Shopping in Hong Kong

Must arrive in Hong Kong you can understand all the implications of the phrase "shopping paradise of Asia", Hong Kong has a liberal tax policy: no tax on these items (except alcohol and water flower). So you can save a decent amount of tax accounts. But this also is not all of 'shopping paradise'; here you can find many items that are not available in any other place with all sorts of designs prices. Season discount in Hong Kong starting from late May until early prolong August all items "down bran gold upper" declined from 15% to 70%.

Causeway Bay

times square 1 180x180 Shopping in Hong Kong8 storey shopping area located at number 1 Matheson Street Causeway Bay, Hong Kong is also a favorite place of tourists. The scale and professionalism here is sure to make you admiring amazement, the boundary between day and night are gone when you walk in and the boundaries between "heaven" and "earth" also turns lost when you immerse yourself in the world page. Shopping for a while if you feel tired or hungry you can also use the excellent services here like cafés, bars, restaurants and even a vast area offers spa services.

The Landmark

the landmark shopping district in Hong Kong 180x180 ShoppingReferring to Hong Kong fashion people often think of The Landmark Shopping Center - one of the ten largest shopping paradise world. It focused brands famous fashion as Harvey Nichols, D & G, Gianfranco Ferre ... You can go to Causeway Bay where there are two shopping big as Sogo and Mitsukoshi located opposite each other on the road Hennessy (MTR station Causeway Bay ). You can find a variety of high-end fashion items from clothing, shoes, belts until the pans. This is also the perfect place for you to buy the Hong Kong electronics such as mobile phones, speakers and especially Ipod here very cheap price and quality of goods and more.
But if you want to purchase more low prices, please visit the garden city with dozens Lee Factory Outlet store sells commodities liquidation out of fashion or the season with a lower price ranges from 30-70%.

The street Nathan

Nathan Road in Kowloon in Hong Kong 180x180 ShoppingIf the person you love shopping, then do not miss the chance to visit the largest road Nathan Hong Kong is located on Kowloon . Nathan roughly the same as Dong Khoi Street in Saigon, it also sells a lot of items, but mostly the traditional products of the Chinese nation as the Maitreya statue, the handicraft items technology. This is the best place you purchase these items as souvenirs like pottery and ceramics Jiangxi, the tonic ... Also a lot more shopping centers and the fashionable shops let you unleash "rampage" like the neighborhood Lee Garden, Harbour City shopping complex of ...

Temple Market

If you like shopping in the evening, the Temple Market will welcome you with hundreds of large and small fashion shop, complete categories, brands from fashion apparel to electronics products are spoiled for choice. Prices here are generally very cheap and much cheaper than similar products which buy in the shops on the street or in a business center. So if not too picky, then buy furniture here you will save quite a bit of money.

Fair Lady

for specified three hk 180x180 Shopping in Hong KongBut if you want to buy souvenirs, then perhaps "Market Lady" is a most appropriate place - here also sell many goods from branded to insufficient spoiled for choice. Customers Chinese ceramics, brocade of ethnic Chinese, or clothing, scarves ... are these travelers are choosing buy as souvenirs depending on the object and relationships. There was a little note if buying in large commercial centers or pay the price, no less, but buying in the store especially in markets you should pay depending on commodity prices, but to ensure food please pay half price and then increase slowly until the seller accepts.
If you are interested in exploring you can "travel diary" to the small markets around the center or in the island as the New Territories, Lantau, goods abound. Here you can buy the product as folk medicines China is very effective but also cheap price too. Buy for older people in the family oil bottle cure rheumatism, back pain ... very meaningful.

Have to go

Do not get the spectacular natural scenery, no white sand stretches but each year millions of tourists still come here: Shopping, dining and ... tour. It deserves the "Asian Dragon" Hong Kong has attractive tourist destination not only foreign tourists but even locals also fascinated though has lived there for many years. Which is to sail on the bay Victoria, Visit Avenue of stars, museum wax or watching the sunset over the Pacific mountain ... and a lot of relics and squares; certainly will not disappoint visitors on tours of sight expand.

Mountain Pacific

Pacific Mountain 180x180 Must goHong Kong Island is home to many the most scenic. Do you want to visit the land where the world's most expensive price? That's the high mountains 552 m Pacific between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon. Here you can enjoy the panorama of Hong Kong, Victoria Bay ... At night when the street to where the lights do not look clear and beautiful as Hong Kong this place, splendid, shimmering and mysterious are the words to express his feelings standing here watching the streets of Hong Kong all kinds of lights, colored lights, enough light ...

Repulse Bay Repulse

Repulse Bay repulse 180x180 Must goRepulse Bay Repulse Bay is one of the places "to go" in this tour. This is Hong Kong's tourist center focused hotel restaurant, cafe with a variety of stylish taste born from the early twentieth century. Beneath the glittering gold sand beach, next to the temple with the design Kwum Yum ancient mountains in the distance are the convolution coincides interwoven with tall buildings will certainly give visitors a more complete ones the "Asian dragons" is.

All rights reserved Palace

A location perhaps indispensable travel in Hong Kong that is the Governor Palace where you can explore the history of Hong Kong over the period, culture, Hong Kong and many ups and downs as well as pride of Hong Kong which are exhibited here. Especially this is also the place where the ritual return of Hong Kong to China after 100 years of British control. For history, people of Hong Kong, Hong Kong developers want to know how then go to the Governor Palace.

Avenue of Stars

Avenue of Stars 2 180x180 Must goIf you're a fan or interested field of cinema you will surely want to visit the Avenue of Stars along the Victoria Harbor. Made in the mold of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the Avenue of Stars in Hong Kong to honor the stars have a special honor in the cinema industry is partially these.And the development of industry Hong Kong cinema through the model is cast in bronze. You can also take photos with the bronze statue of Bruce Lee , with the honored name and mark their hand.

Ocean Park

Marine Park 180x180 Must goThere is a very great place for those who love the sea, sea creatures love which is the largest marine park in the world located Peninsula Hong Kong. With an area of ​​170 miles, including theater Ocean, pool shark, ocean park with more than 400 marine species from the islands of the Pacific region and the South China Sea ... spoiled for diving to explore the ocean Colorful offline. Also you can admire the panda pair Panda rare technical performances of the dolphins ... Ticket Packages for adults at around 208 HKD (approximately 17 USD).

Wax Museum

180x180 Must go Wax MuseumDo not forget to visit Madame Tussauds wax museum is open on all days of the week. You will admire the wax statues of celebrities and power in the world as the Queen of England family, the US president, the pop star ... vivid and lifelike realism. You can take pictures with anyone you like, who knows where has all your idols, and there is nothing more fun if you bring that picture back and hang in your bedroom!


disneyland 180x180 Must goBut perhaps the highlight of the tour in Hong Kong belongs to the Disneyland theme park. As a world-renowned park is located on Lantau Island every day to attract tens of thousands of tourists both adults and children. Built size including Times Square, Amusement tech ... and nearly 200 entertainment places. The park also has a miniature model of the wonders of the world such as the Pyramids, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Leaning Tower of Pissa ... Also visitors will be immersed in the world of animation, was incarnate in human things like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ... get involved Thrilling games, admire the spectacular fireworks display; then a lot of other games are welcoming you. Admission adults 520 HK dollars (about 65 USD) Children under 3 are free.

Studio TVB

tvb city 180x180 Must goIt would be a huge omission in your trip without visiting the TVB drama - one of the reasons for the success and popularity of Hong Kong cinema. Studio TVB (also called TVB city) is a large population of 110,000 m 2 and is one of the film and most modern in Asia. Entering here you can feel like entering an ancient world of the film about the feudal China. The leaf mud houses, the downtown of the ancient Chinese, the "black people" with traditional costumes expatriates ... all serve the film and that is why the annual Hong Kong to ship thousands of blockbusters.

Wong Tai Sin Temple

wong tai sin den 180x180 Must goWong Tai Sin - famous temples most sacred not only in Hong Kong but even those in mainland China often come here to worship. Built from 1921, according to legend was a monk named Wong Tai Sin was the fruit cultivation here and from there take the name of the monk nay.Voi designed in the traditional style typical of the culture oriental with yellow and red is the dominant form a brilliant halo guests entered.

Kowloon Walled City Park

kowloon walled city park1 180x180 Must goEqually famous for both architecture and history to Wong Tai Sin considering, Kowloon Walled City Park is a huge park bearing the stamp of Kowloon history with stone walls extremely Granrit large. Besides that there are also many natural landscapes and cultural expression of the people of Hong Kong identity. This is one of those which preserved the culture characterized Hong Kong since the nation's founding.

Tsing Ma Bridge

Tsing Ma Bridge 180x180 Must goSurprise, admiration and a little jealous feeling of tourists visiting the most beautiful bridge in Asia and the 7th largest in the world. The bridge was built in 1997 linking the island of Hong Kong is important Tsing Yi and Ma Wan include both rail and road. At night he lights shining down river road combined with colored lights of the restaurants, cafes along the river sides making something extraordinary shimmer.