A clean source of water, fresh air and disposed and recycled sewage are what Kobe, Singapore, Calgary always proud of.
Japan is a country that makes the world admire. Japan gives prominence to education, therefore; the people are completely self-conscious of not throwing trash on the street. In Japan, Tokyo is the city with the lowest CO2 volume released in Asia but Kobe is the very cleanest one of this country owing to the separate rain-water and sewage drain systems which makes the water source disposal more assured.
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Stokholm’s target is supplying totally free fuel to the citizens in 2050. Currently, this city makes 60% of the energy from hydroelectricity and Swedes are known for the pioneer in innovation, therefore; they will develop much further in the future.
The land of red rock – Santa Fe of New Mexico State is leading the cleanest cities of USA list voted by American Lung Association.
In Singapore, all citizens and tourists will be fined 100 Singapore Dollars if being caught urinating in public places or not flushing public toilets.
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Curitiba citizens, Brazil are encouraged by the government to keep the city clean via exchanging trash bags for food, bus ticket or kid’s toys.
85% trash amount of the trash bins in Adelaide city – Australia is recycled successfully. This is a part of efforts into reducing sewages to environment of Adelaide.
Calgary, Canada is the number one on the cleanest cities of the world list. Everyday there are 100 liters of water cleaned here and 75% of the city is using the renewable energy source. Besides, if dropping the cigarette ash on the sidewalk, you will be fined up to 1000USD.