The Sapa and Halong Bay of Vietnam also become the most ideal destinations in Asian, photographed and posted on Instagram by many tourists.
The El Nido, Philippines: The program CNNGo named El Nido Beach the most beautiful beach destinations in Philippines and we can easily see why. The mountains and blue water create an enchanting sight here.
The Halong Bay, Vietnam: Vietnam is becoming the ideal  of many Western tourists. The peaceful Halong is unlike anywhere in the US or Europe.
The Tiger’s Nest Temple, Bhutan: The temple located in a cliff is a holy place of Buddhists in the Himalayas. Initially it was built as a monastery 320 years ago and at the 914 meter height compared with Paro valley.
The Zhangjiajie National Park, China: The beautiful scene here inspired the film producers to build the Pandora world in the movie Avatar movie. Because of this, one of the mountains here has been renamed to “Avatar Hallelujah Mountain”.

The Angkor Wat, Cambodia: The Angkor Wat temple became one of the symbols of Cambodia. This World Heritage Site was built about 1,000 years ago and is still used for religious purposes now.
The Bokeo Nature Reserve, Laos: The reserve is 1230 square kilometers wide and is the habitat of the native black-cheeked gibbon species.
The Taj Mahal Temple, India: Referring to the most beautiful places in Asia, it is certain to mention to the splendid Taj Mahal temple. This white marble Tomb is located in Agra city; it welcomes more than 3 million visitors each year.
The Boseong, South Korea:  The Boseong is a mountainous region in the South Jeolla province, South Korea. Here it is famous for growing green tea plants.
The ancient city of Ayutthaya, Thailand: This city was formed in the period 1350-1700 and used to be the largest city in  with over 1 million inhabitants. In 1767, Myanmar invaded and destroyed almost the entire city.