Xuan Thuy National Park is located in Giao Thien Commune (Giao Thuy, Nam Dinh), covering a very large area of about 12,000 hectares, of which the core zone is about 7,100 hectares, divided into 2 main parts of mangrove land and mangrove forest. Honorably, the park was recognized as the first Ramsar site (wetland considered to be of multinational importance) in not only Vietnam but also Southeast Asia in the year of 1989.
For nature lovers or those who are searching for an eco-tourism destination, Xuan Thuy National Park is a very best choice as well featuring diverse fauna and aquatic flora species. Until now, over 200 bird species have been found at this site, where is considered the most crucial wintering and staging area for water-bird migrants in the Red River Delta’s coastal zone. The park is also the permanent home to more than 110 aquatic plants as well as 500 benthos and zooplankton species.
Visiting Xuan Thuy National Park, visitors always have the chance to greatly experience interesting hiking and boating routes in this area. As hiking, you will walk through many artificial and natural habitats situated along Con Ngan Island’s dike system. It’s also even much more attractive when you choose to hang around the park by boating, which allows you to be definitely closer to the wildlife and easily find out a lot of wild bird species roosting in the shrimp ponds such as black-faced spoonbill, ducks, gulls, and waders.
If you’d like to admire thousands of birds hovering in the sky and chirruping like a top orchestra playing a sonata, the best time to visit this eco-site is always from August until the end of winter. Your trip must be far greater if you ask for the support of a staff working in the park in order to better learn about the lives of its inhabitants.