Explore the most majestic stone forest Russia

Majestic natural landscape of stone forests Lena - a world heritage site - is sure to make you not from overwhelmed.

This is one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the Yakutsk (Russia) with the higher pillar and stretching about 80km 150m riverside Lena. This gorgeous landscapes are created by extreme continental climate in the region with temperature ranges are differences annually, from -60 ° C to + 40 ° winter to C in summer. The process of freezing, thawing, making deep grooves, extending between the pillars.

Lena stone forest located in the territory of the Siberian region of Yakutsk. The place was already crowded tourist known since the 17th century but to come here again is not an easy job.

If you want to visit Lena Stone Forest, you will have to depart from the capital Moscow and to fly to Yakutsk. The average cost for such a flight of up to $ 800 (about 16.7 million VND).

Next, you will have to travel by boat on the river Lena to reach the stone forest. If you rent a small boat of the locals, you will have to pay them $ 500 (more than 10 million VND) for the journey to the Stone Forest Lena. This journey lasts 3 days.

Stone Forest is not only scenic but also contains important information about the formation of the organic world. One finds here the fossils of different species provide us with more insight about life on the planet evolved in the Cambrian.

There, scientists have found the remains of mammoths, bison, woolly rhinoceros, ... and the pieces of cut stone rudimentary be sharpened, as the oldest working tools on Earth . Previously, such relics found only in Africa - which is considered the cradle of human ancestors. 

This is a landscape has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2012. If one reaches this place, surely you will have the invaluable experience.
Along the spectacular panoramic view of the stone forest Lena: