Take the train between peach forest in A Li

April is the time cherry on the mountain A brilliant explosion Ly, was also the best viewing spot fireflies at night.

A mountain range Ly Ngoc Son affiliated with altitude 2,216 m and is famous scenic spots in Taiwan. The mountain city of Chiayi lies about 75 km to the east.

Located at an altitude of over 2000m above sea level, so Mount A Li has a very mild climate. The average temperature during the day here is about 14-24 ° C in summer and about 5-16 ° C in winter.

Despite very poetic scenery and majestic, but mountains A reason is not known. The mountain is only really famous when Japanese investment in building railroads in 1912 to forest logging on mountain flavor.

In 2001, Mount A Li was officially recognized as a national scenic spots, and become one of the most famous attraction in Taiwan.

Location A Ly, watching trains go cherry blossom is one of the very form of tourism is domestic and foreign tourists loving, because Mount A Li is one of the many kinds of cherry gathering in Taiwan.

Spring is the time when the mountain A beautiful sparkling reason, fanciful in peach-colored.

Typically, mountain cherry blossom A reason especially during March, April annually. This time, the mountain A reason like fairy wears a new coat color: pure white with peach-colored, sweet with rose petals, velvet smooth with cherry splendid crimson ...

Anh Dao Thien cherry (Prunus nipponica) is the most common type of peach flowers on Mount A Li. Bright white petals, stamens long, pure beauty, gentle and often the most brilliant boom at the end of March.

Also, at Mount A Li has many other peach flowers bloom bright bung around March, April, English as Form (Cerasus lannesiana), Cat English Nature, English Samantabhadra Statue ...