Things to explore in Yen Bai – Part 2

For many people, even Vietnamese, Yen Bai is somewhat of a disclosed location. The only thing that might be heard about Yen Bai is Mu Cang Chai as this has been known the place for adventure among young individuals. However, have you really dig down deep to find other attractions in Yen Bai? Have a look at this article to have a better idea on what to expect in Yen Bai.
If you haven’t done it already, check out part 1 and part 3 of the article for more options on what to expect in Yen Bai

Lung Lo Gorge

The majestic of Gorge Lung Lo
Lung Lo Gorge is located in Route 37, in the border between Van Chan (Yen Bai) and Phu Yen (Son La). The gorge is 15km long and 10% steep, so make sure that your vehicle (or yourself) is up to the task. In the French War, the gorge served as one of the main food and armory supply passage to Dien Bien Phu. The top of the gorge is the joined border of Phu Tho, Yen Bai and Son La.

Muong Lo rice field

Muong Lo paddy field, Yen Bai
Route 32 curves in the mountains in the North West. And like magic, the road falls right into an endless paddy field of Moung Lo. Get ready to be stunned by the golden paddies that go straight to the skyline.
80km away from Yen Bai central to the West, Muong Lo is located inside the town of Nghia Lo. Muong Lo is the second largest paddy field in the northern mountains. The Thai people have resided here for generations.
According to legends, there was a couple who were deeply in love. The girl was as beautiful as the full moon and the boy was heroicly strong. Sadly, the landlord forced the girl to become his slave. The girl refused, so the couple ran up to higher ground to protect their love but were exhausted at the top of the mountain while being pursued by the landlord. The girl cried hopelessly, her tear became the stream of Nam Tha. The boy jumped into the stream. As he hits the bottom, his body shattered into rock pieces.
Only the Thai people would have the custom of drinking invite by singing, which they would do to visitors to get them to join the celebration. The voice of Thai girls has drove travelers crazy for years. The sound and the liquor are absorbed into an unforgettable experience.

Cang Don Nghia Lo, Yen Bai

Cang Don Nghia Lo, Yen Bai
This is a historical relic. It reminisces the old time from the French War from the 1940s. The word “Căng” here means “Camp” but it was pronounced after French. In order to put out the fire in the Vietnamese patriots, the French built a “special penitentiaries” to imprison patriots. After Cang Ba Van (another penitentiary in Thai Nguyen) was closed, the French took their prisoners to Nghia Lo. The summer of 1944, they forced to locals to hand in materials to quickly construct this camp. In January 1945 it was completed. All in all, the camp has 3 buildings, 2 for male and 1 for female, the outside is for guards. Surrounding the camp are picked fences, surrounding those are trenches with spikes at the bottom…
Of course all that is the past, now the camp is just another visiting site, which is great!

Hoc Village

A stilt house in Hoc Village
200km away from Ha Noi, Hoc Village is located in the center of Van Chan district, Yen Bai. 80% people here are Thai and are mostly farmers. The place is very much intact with original Thai culture.
Come to Hoc Village to discover new, interesting features of the Thai culture in their stilt-houses, join the Thai people in making arts and crafts or simply have a drink of the traditional booze with them. You can even take a dip in the hot stream that is good for your health.

Luc Yen gem market

Goods in the gem market of Luc Yen, Yen Bai
Located in the town of Yen The, Yen Bai, the gem market of Luc Yen only last 3 hours every day. Depending on the season, it might vary, but generally, people start coming to the market at 6.30 in the morning.
Like its name said, the merchandise are rare gems, rocks. Some have been processed, some are raw. No matter the shape, everything here sparkles. According to sellers, gems are gathered in the mountains and turned into jewelry like rings, medallions, necklaces… This place also sells ingredients for gem paintings.

Na Hau natural reserve of Yen Bai

Rangers in the Na Hau natural reserve keeping an eye on the wildlife
The Na Hau natural reserve of Yen Bai is located in Van Yen district, Yen Bai with a total area of 16.950 ha.
The area of Na Hau is like a bowl made from a narrow valley, surrounded by ranges of majestic mountains. The highest altitude in here is 1.788m while the lowest is 200m. The average temperature is 23C, humidity varies around 85%. The weather is suitable for the wildlife.
In Na Hau, the jungle is pretty much reserved, a lot of streams and falls look quite dreamy. The structure of the forest has never been altered, levels are clearly distinguished. The animal kingdom is quite natural as well. Many endangered species are protected in here. Na Hau is great for those who are fans of trekking, camping or exploring.

Chop Du Lake

Lake Chop Du, Yen Bai
In Cuong Thing Village, Tran Yen district, Yen Bải, there is a lake that is beautiful, poetic and peaceful, a perfect location for one to explore nature or just sit back and relax, have fun, go fishing and just enjoy the fresh air. Although it might be primitive, nature has blessed this lake with a romantic vibe like no other. That is Lake Chop Du.
Lake Chop Du has a total area of 16 ha, is surrounded by diverse ecological scenery. The water is clear, calm and reflexes the jungles.